Managing Thesaurus Tables
When checking duplicates, you can specify a thesaurus table for a specific column. The cell values that are thesaurus as defined in the provided thesaurus table are considered as duplicates.
On the Dedup page, click Manage thesaurus list from the
Thesaurus names list.
Manage thesaurus tables list dialog opens and all the defined thesaurus tables are displayed.
Add a thesaurus table:
Add thesaurus.
Add new table dialog opens.
In the
Thesaurus name field, enter a name for the table.
From the
Dataset list, select a dataset.
From the
Project list, select a project.
The project data is displayed.
Add to create the table based on the selected project data.
The created table is displayed in the
Manage thesaurus list dialog.
Close to go back to the Dedup page.
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