Creating a Look-Up Table

A look-up table defines a set of key/value pairs. You can transform your project data according to a predefined look-up data.


  1. From the youraccount/Settings menu, click Look-up tables.
  2. In the Look-up table dialog , click Add a new table to create a look-up table.
  3. In the Add a new look-up table dialog, Hover your cursor over Look-up table 0, and click Rename to enter a look-up table name.
  4. Select a way to create the look-up table:
    • Manual input: Manually add keys and values to a look-up table.

      Type a key in the Key field and a value in the Value field, and then click Add to list to add the key and value to the table. Repeat this operation to add more keys and values to the table.

    • Import from file: Import a look-up table from an existing CSV file.

      Click Choose file to select a file that contains key/value pairs. Next, click Add to list to load the source data to the table.

      Note: The header of the file must be in the key/value format.

      This method supports character encoding. To apply a character encoding, click Character encoding.

      By default, UTF-8 is selected.

    • Import from project: Import a look-up table from an existing project.

      Select a dataset and project, and then select a key column and a value column from the project. Next, click Add to list to load the source to the table.

  5. Click Save to save the created look-up table.


All the created look-up tables are displayed in the Look-up tables dialog. Hover your mouse over a look-up table to edit the table or export the look-up table to your machine, or click to delete the look-up table.