Project Data Page

The sample data of the selected project is displayed in the project data page.

As shown, the project data page is divided into function areas:

  1. Project Information

    This bar displays the total number of rows and columns of the selected project.

    Hover your mouse over the project name and click Rename to change the project name.

  2. Tool Bar

    Click the corresponding icon to manage the project data.

  3. Data Table

    The first row of the upload data is parsed to columns. The icon indicates that the corresponding row contains invalid data. TIBCO Clarity automatically detects and assigns a data type to each column according to the cell contents.

    Click rows or records to alternate between rows and records. By default, the project data is displayed based on rows. Click the flag or the star icon to mark the rows that you want to manage together. See Managing Project Data for details.

    Click the icon next to each column to manage the corresponding column.

  4. Facet/Search and Undo/Redo Panel
    • The Facet/Search panel list all the facets made to the project data. Facets do not affect the values of your data, but provide you useful insights of your dataset. You can update your project data according to the facet result.

    • The Undo/Redo panel records the operation history of a project. You can cancel an operation by clicking the operation. Click 0. Create project to go back to the original status of the project.

      Click Extract to extract the selected operation including the preceding operations to a JSON file, and then you apply the operations extracted to the JSON file to other projects.

  5. Go to TIBCO Spotfire
    Click Go to TIBCO Spotfire to upload the project data to TIBCO Spotfire.
    Note: Ensure that a valid connection to TIBCO Spotfire is established.