Subscribing to and Launching TIBCO Clarity
Use TIBCO Cloud Marketplace to subscribe to and launch TIBCO Clarity.
- Registering an Account
TIBCO Clarity uses TIBCO Access Point (TAP) for registration, which is a TIBCO storefront for downloading product evaluations and samples.
- Log on to TIBCO Clarity
Use your TAP account to log on to TIBCO Clarity.
- Subscribing to TIBCO Clarity
A subscription is required to access TIBCO Clarity.
You can subscribe to TIBCO Clarity in TIBCO Cloud Marketplace. Log on to TIBCO Clarity, click Subscribe on the landing page, and then you are directed to TIBCO Cloud Marketplace, where you need to log on to TIBCO Cloud Marketplace again.
- Launching TIBCO Clarity
Launch TIBCO Clarity to start managing your data. Ensure that you have subscribed to the service before launching.
Note: For premium subscribers, an enterprise edition is available. You can launch TIBCO Clarity at your local machine. See Launching the Enterprise Edition of TIBCO Clarity.For information about how to install the enterprise edition, see TIBCO Clarity - Enterprise Edition Installation.