Subscribing to TIBCO Clarity

Before launching TIBCO Clarity, you must subscribe to this service from TIBCO Cloud Marketplace.


  1. Open a web browser and go to

    The landing page of TIBCO Clarity is displayed.

  2. Choose one of the following ways to start your subscription:
    • If you have logged on to TIBCO Clarity, click Subscribe. You are directed to the login page of TIBCO Cloud Marketplace.
    • If have not logged on to TIBCO Clarity, either scroll down to the bottom of the landing page and click Subscribe Now, or click Pricing in the upper-right corner of the landing page, and then click Subscribe from the corresponding service plan.
  3. Log on to TIBCO Cloud Marketplace.
    Note: No matter which way you use to start your subscription, ensure that the TAP account used to log on to TIBCO Cloud Marketplace is the same one used to log on to TIBCO Clarity.
    Skip Step 4 and Step 5 if you have signed in to TIBCO Clarity before subscribing.
  4. In the upper-right corner of the TIBCO Cloud Marketplace page, click APPS .
  5. From the APPS list on the quick launch, click TIBCO Clarity. You will find three subscription plans: Premium, Standard and Trial. Each subscription level comes with a variety of on-demand service allowances.
  6. Click Read More to expand details of each subscription plan, and then click GET IT NOW.
    The TIBCO Clarity Subscriptions page is displayed.
  7. Read details such as price, add-ons, and note of each level of subscription, and then choose a subscription level:
    • Premium: Click SUBSCRIBE.
    • Standard: Click SUBSCRIBE.
    • Trial: Click TRY.
    Note: If you choose the Premium level, you can download the enterprise edition of TIBCO Clarity and launch TIBCO Clarity at your machine. See TIBCO Clarity - Enterprise Edition Installation for details about how to install the enterprise edition.
    If you have already subscribed to a subscription level and you want to upgrade it, click UPDATE. See Upgrading Subscription for details.
  8. If your TAP account is not associated with your credit card, click My Account in the Update Subscription dialog to add one.
    1. On the My account page, click Add.
    2. In the Add Credit Card To Account dialog, add your credit card information. Click SUBMIT.
    3. Click CONFIRM to finish.
    4. Repeat from Step 4 to Step 7 and then proceed to Step 9 to continue your subscription.
    Note: If you choose the Premium level, you need to specify the quantity of add-ons.
  9. Click Terms of Service and End User License Agreement to read the service terms and end user agreement in the displayed pages, and then select the I have read and accept the Terms of Service, End User License Agreement check box. Click CONFIRM.
  10. Click OK to finish your subscription.