Installing in the GUI Mode

In the GUI mode, the installer prompts you for information regarding the installation environment, installation profile, and other installation information.


  1. Navigate to the temporary directory to which you extract the installation package.
  2. Use one of the following ways to start the installation:
    • On Windows, double-click TIBCOUniversalInstaller.exe.
    • On Linux, run TIBCOUniversalInstaller-platform_acronym.bin.
    • On Mac OS, double-click TIBCOUniversalInstaller-mac.command.
  3. In the Welcome dialog, click Next.
  4. In the License Agreement dialog, read through the license agreement and select I accept the terms of the license agreement. Click Next.
  5. In the TIBCO Installation Home dialog, create or select an installation environment, and then click Next.
    • Click Create a new TIBCO_HOME to create a new installation environment.
    • Click Use an existing TIBCO_HOME to select an existing TIBCO installation environment.
    See Installation Environment for more details.
  6. In the Installation Profile Selection dialog, specify the installation components to be installed. Or select the Customize Installation check box to explicitly select the installation components. Click Next. By default, the Typical profile is selected and all the components are installed.
  7. In the Pre-Install Summary dialog, review the list of installation information. Click Install.
  8. In the Post Install Summary dialog, review the list of installation information. Click Finish to complete the installation and exit the installer.