Logging on to TIBCO Clarity

TIBCO Clarity uses a TAP (TIBCO Access Point) account as credentials. Ensure that you have registered a TAP account.

If you do not have a TAP account, see Registering an Account to register one.


  1. Open a web browser and go to http://clarity.cloud.tibco.com.

    The landing page of TIBCO Clarity is displayed.

  2. In the upper-right corner of the landing page, click Sign in.
  3. In the Sign in dialog, enter your TAP account and password.
  4. Optional: If you forget your password, click Forgot your password to reset your password.
    1. On the TIBCO Access Point page, enter your registered email address, and then click SUBMIT.
    2. Click the link in the Reset Password Request mail that is sent by TIBCO Cloud Bus Team and follow the instructions to reset your password.
  5. Click Sign in.

What to do next

If you have not subscribed to a service from TIBCO Cloud Marketplace, click Subscribe on the menu for subscription. For more information about how to subscribe to TIBCO Clarity, see Subscribing to TIBCO Clarity.

If you have subscribed a service, click Launch to start managing your data.