References Between Elements

This section describes the values that TIBCO Business Studio specifies for various standard XPDL2 cross references between elements.

Note: For top-level elements (objects on a process diagram), TIBCO Business Studio treats the XPDL2 Name attribute as a token name, and uses the XPDL2 Name attribute for all references by name. There is also a label name that is stored in XPDExt:DisplayName and used for display purposes only.
Element Cross Reference Value
Reference Task A reference task references the target task using the target task’s Activity/Id attribute.
Intermediate Link Event The throw event of the link event pair specifies the Activity/Id attribute of the catch event (using the TriggerResultLink/Name attribute). The process reference is WorkflowProcess Id of the catch event’s parent process.

The catch link event specifies its own TriggerResultLink/Name attribute as 0, process is always -unknown-.

For example:

<xpdl2:Activity Id="_O1nEsHsoEd2RMpxlT5DsGQ" Name="LinkToCatchLinkEvent" xpdExt:DisplayName="Link To: CatchLinkEvent">
    <xpdl2:IntermediateEvent     Trigger="Link">
       <xpdl2:TriggerResultLink        CatchThrow="THROW"        Name="_Q1uiUHsoEd2RMpxlT5DsGQ"/>
<xpdl2:Activity Id="_Q1uiUHsoEd2RMpxlT5DsGQ" Name="CatchLinkEvent" xpdExt:DisplayName="Catch Link Event">
    <xpdl2:IntermediateEvent     Trigger="Link">
       <xpdl2:TriggerResultLink        CatchThrow="CATCH" Name="0"/>
Activity Performers (Task Participants) Activity performers are references to the Ids of participants, performer type data fields, or performer type formal parameters.
Data Fields / Formal Parameters All references to data fields and formal parameters (except from activity performers), use the name of the field or parameter.
Type Declarations References are from data field / formal parameter by the type declaration’s Id.
Processes Inter-process references (for example from sub-process call tasks) use the process Id. References to a process in another package use the XPDL filename of the package (without the .xpdl extension).