Uninstalling TIBCO Business Studio
To uninstall TIBCO Business Studio from your system, perform the following steps:
Note: When you uninstall, some files are currently left behind that are not user data. You can remove these files manually if required.
- Use the uninstaller provided with TIBCO Business Studio or
- Remove the installation using the
Programs and features option in Control Panel on Windows System.
Note: When you installed TIBCO Business Studio, if the installer detected a suitable Java Virtual Machine (JVM), that JVM is used by TIBCO Business Studio. The uninstallation will fail if you remove the JVM used by TIBCO Business Studio before removing TIBCO Business Studio. If this happens, you can use the command line to uninstall with the -is:javahome option.
To do this, navigate to the STUDIO_HOME/tools/universal_installer folder and enter the following command TIBCOUniversalInstaller-x86-64.exe -is:javahome <JRE_HOME>
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