Creating an XSLT-Based Import Export Wizard

This section describes how to create either an import wizard for a file format that you want to import into TIBCO Business Studio or an export wizard for exporting a TIBCO Business Studio package into another file format.

Once you have written the XSLT that will be used either to import your files into TIBCO Business Studio or to export from TIBCO Business Studio into another format, you need to create a wizard that will allow users to perform the export or import. The New Import/Export Wizard Plug-in Generator Wizard allows you to do this. Using these, you can create a plug-in for your product with all the required JAR files for exporting from and importing to TIBCO Business Studio.

  • This section describes import and export wizards for mappings implemented in XSLT. You can however use the Eclipse extension points and implement mappings in Java although this is beyond the scope of this document.
  • Use the xpdl2html.xsl XSLT file (located in the com.tibco.xpd.procdoc plug-in) as a starting point for creating your own XSLT for the wizard.

    The xpdl2html.xsl XSLT file contains Java extension functions that are internal and unavailable to customized exports. The resolution is to remove all such extension functions (search for 'java:'). The resulting XSLT will still be a reasonable starting point since the primary use of the extension functions is to support localisation of the text in the output documentation, and this is just an example to help you get started.