XPDL 2.1 Schema Overview

The XPDL Version 2.1 schema provides all the elements needed to execute a process as well as the visual elements necessary to view a process in TIBCO Business Studio. The following series of diagrams show the relationship between the BPMN elements in TIBCO Business Studio and their mapping to the XPDL schema.

For more information, see:

This diagram shows the major process flow objects (package, process, activity and transitions), excluding the visual objects such as pools, lanes:


XPDL artifacts belong to the package and are referred to in a process by lanes and pools. this diagram shows the relationship of artifacts to other objects:


This diagram shows how optional associations are made between non-flow objects (such as a text annotation) and flow objects or flows:

Message Flow

Message flow can connect objects in different pools or objects in one pool with the boundary of another pool. the following diagram shows message flow:

Data Fields, Formal Parameters, Participants, and Type Declarations

Data fields and participants can be scoped in that they can be created at the process level or at the package level (if you want to share them amongst processes). Formal parameters can only be created at the process level and type declarations can only be created at the package level.

The following diagram shows the relationship of data fields, formal parameters, participants, and type declarations to pools, process, and package:

Note: The relationship of a participant to a pool is denoted in BPMN, but neither required nor enforced by TIBCO Business Studio. A BPMN participant is always represented by a pool. However, an XPDL participant describes a resource that can perform an activity and is not necessarily represented by a pool.