Adding a Looping Control Strategy

A looping control strategy provides the Simulation engine with the necessary mechanism to break out of loops:


This strategy allows sequence flow to traverse a loop up to the specified maximum number of times.

Attribute Notes
DecisionActivity Specifies the Activity that will be used to decide whether to end the loop.
ToActivity Specifies the Activity to proceed with once the loop is finished.
MaxLoopCount Specifies the maximum number of times that the loop should be followed.


This strategy allows sequence flow to traverse a loop based on a normal distribution of times (which you specify by providing the mean and standard deviation).

Attribute Notes
DecisionActivity Specifies the activity that will be used to decide whether to end the loop.
ToActivity Specifies the activity to proceed with once the loop is finished.
Mean Specifies the mean used to construct the normal distribution.
StandardDeviation Specifies the standard deviation used to construct the normal distribution.


This strategy allows sequence flow to traverse a loop for an elapsed period of time.

Attribute Notes
DecisionActivity Specifies the activity that will be used to decide whether to end the loop.
ToActivity Specifies the activity to proceed with once the loop is finished.
DisplayTimeUnit Specifies the unit in which the elapsed time is measured. Valid values include YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, and SECOND.
MaxElapseTime Specifies the elapsed time in which you want the loop to finish.