Standalone Event Steps /Message Event Handlers
For correlation data:
- Incoming message activities (except start activities) require correlation data mappings to identify the target process instance for the incoming message.
- It will not be possible for the base conversion to ascertain which parameters should be used for correlation.
- It may be possible for iProcess customer extension to derive this and add correlation data and the data mappings appropriately.
(iPE) CUSTAUDIT(…) iProcess Script Expression
Although the
OriginalAuditId may not be meaningful to the user, its inclusion in the expression makes it possible for an iProcess customer to contribute a conversion extension to replace the number with a more meaningful message from their known custom audit message set.
(iPE) Transaction Control Steps
For tasks created from Abort steps, the user needs to consider how to handle parts of their application that require a transaction across multiple-activities as there is no equivalent in BPM where process flow state is committed after each activity.
[EAI] Scripts
To deal with any constructs with no direct equivalence (or for which automatic conversion to similar features in BPM is not possible).
EAI Mail
If custom SMTP configuration was used in iProcess applications then the equivalent ActiveMatrix BPM shared resources will need to be created / late bound.
iProcess EAI DB step/Database-Stored Procedure service task
A default database system participant will be created for the task, but requires human / conversion extension intervention to configure that participant.
Standalone Script Object
SCRIPT(SCRIPT, params …) expressions will be in-lined and commented out. Human intervention will be required to fix and uncomment these scripts (matching passed parameter data to parameters in the commented out script expressions).
Use of arrays in implicit ways requires human intervention.
- This is highlighted at design time by problem markers on the converted JavaScript.
- This is because
Array = ElementValue; is not permitted.
- And also because the no data field will be created for the
IDX_ARRAY iProcess fields.
Explicit assignment of array elements in non-contiguous, zero based manner require human intervention.
- A runtime exception results in any attempt to perform
setArrayElement() where the provided index is greater than index of the next element after the current last element in the list.
Delayed Release
Human intervention is required to design appropriate trigger for the continuation of the flow after the service task.
User Task Addressee Handling
Provided that the organization model contains the required statically defined users and groups, then no human intervention should be required.