
This XPDL2 element stores graphical information (for example, color, size, and so on) about visual objects, except for connecting lines.

See ConnectorGraphicsInfo.

The following table describes the standard Attributes/Elements of NodeGraphicsInfo.

Attribute/Element Description
ToolId For all standard NodeGraphicsInfo elements (for example, activities, pools, or sequence flow), this is unspecified.

For special purpose NodeGraphicsInfo elements (those that specify position or size information), use XPD for the ToolId. ToolId is extended for different purposes (for example, XPD.BorderEventPosition). For more information, see Special Purpose NodeGraphicsInfo Elements.

BorderColor, FillColor String containing three comma-separated numeric values representing Red, Green, Blue values for the color (each between 0 and 255). For example, 255,0,0 (bright red), 0,0,0 (black), and so on.
Height, Width Height and width of the object in pixels.
  • Width is never specified for a lane (this is calculated automatically from its content).
  • Width and Height are never specified for a Pool (these are calculated automatically from its content).
  • Height is always calculated automatically for diagram notes. If width is present for diagram note, text is wrapped at the specified width; if not present, width is set automatically.
Coordinates XCoordinate and YCoordinate specify the pixel location of the center of the object, relative to the containing lane or embedded sub-process.


  • Intermediate events that are attached to a task boundary should be specified as 0.0.
  • For text annotations (diagram notes), these coordinates define the center of the the left hand edge.
LaneId XPDL is not specific about the requirements for various BPMN concepts. Therefore, LaneId is dependent on object type.

TIBCO Business Studio specifies the LaneId value as follows

  • Activities in a lane - The parent LaneId.
  • Activities in an embedded sub-process - LaneId not set.
  • Artifacts in a lane – The parent LaneId.
  • Artifacts in an embedded sub-process - The ActivitySetId for the embedded sub-process.
IsVisible For lanes only:
  • false – Lane is closed.
  • true – Lane is open (default if not present).

Special Purpose NodeGraphicsInfo Elements

In addition to the standard NodeGraphicsInfo elements listed in the previous table, the following special purpose NodeGraphicsInfo element is used when extra graphical information does not fit into the single standard NodeGraphicsInfo element for an object. These are distinguished from the standard NodeGraphicsInfo elements by their extended ToolId value.

ToolId Description
XPD.BorderEventPosition An Intermediate event on a task boundary is specified as a percentage of distance around the parent task’s boundary line (going clockwise from top right corner).

This distance is specified in the Coordinates/XCoordinate attribute as a floating point number.