Converting Processes Using the iProcess To BPM Import Wizard

This import wizard allows the import and conversion of iProcess Modeler XPDL(s) from the file system into a BPM project in TIBCO Business Studio XPDL format suitable for the BPM destination.

Note: For requirements and recommendations around exporting the iProcess Modeler XPDL, see Restrictions.


  1. Select Import > Business Process Management > Import and Convert iProcess to BPM XPDL(s). You can also launch the import wizard by right-clicking the Process Packages special folder and using the context menu Import > Import And Convert iProcess to BPM XPDL(s).
  2. Browse to the iProcess XPDL(s) you want to import and browse to select the folder where you want to locate the XPDL(s) and click Next.
  3. Import Validation validates the files. Provided the validation is successful you can now click Finish to begin the import and conversion process.
  4. The conversion process starts. When the conversion is complete, the XPDL files are saved under a process package folder. The import creates a separate new process package for each process in the incoming XPDL, named after the process.
    • You can abort the conversion at any time before it completes using the abort button. It is not possible to abort once the save of processes starts (to provide consistency that either all converted processes are saved or none).
    • Where a process has already been imported into the workspace (for example, there is a BPM destination process with the same name), the existing workspace process is preserved and the incoming process is ignored. References to that process (for example, sub-process call steps) are switched to the existing workspace process.
    See Restrictions for issues you should be aware of when importing processes.