This XPDL2 element stores graphical information about connection lines such as transition (sequence flows), messageflow and association.
The following table describes the standard attributes/elements of ConnectorGraphicsInfo.
Attribute/Element |
Description |
ToolId |
For all standard ConnectorGraphicsInfo elements this is XPD.ConnectionInfo. For special purpose ConnectorGraphicsInfo elements, specify XPD as the ToolId. ToolId is extended for different purposes (for example, XPD.LabelAnchorPosition). For more information, see Special Purpose ConnectorGraphicsInfo Elements. |
Border Color |
Specifies the connection line color as a string containing three comma-separated numeric values representing Red, Green, Blue values for the color (each between 0 and 255). For example, 255,0,0 (bright red), 0,0,0 (black), and so on. |
Special Purpose ConnectorGraphicsInfo Elements
In addition to the standard ConnectorGraphicsInfo elements listed in the previous table, the following special purpose ConnectorGraphicsInfo elements are used for extra graphical information that does not fit into the single standard ConnectorGraphicsInfo element for an object. These are distinguished from the standard ConnectorGraphicsInfo elements by their extended ToolId value.
ToolId |
Description |
XPD.StartAnchorPosition |
Specifies a fixed position on a source object’s boundary for the connection line to start. The actual position is stored in the Coordinate/XCoordinate attribute.
The value of this depends on the source object type:
- Pool (Message flows only) - The offset, in pixels, from the left hand edge of the Pool.
- Connection (Associations only) - The percentage of total length distance from start of the connection line.
- Other Objects - The percentage distance around the object’s boundary. This is always clockwise, starting from point dependent on the object type:
- Task – Top right corner.
- Event – Right hand side (middle).
- Gateway – Top (middle).
- Data Object – Bottom left corner.
- Diagram Note – Top left corner.
XPD.EndAnchorPosition |
Specifies a fixed position on target object’s boundary for the connection line to end. The actual position is stored in the Coordinate/XCoordinate attribute. The value of this is as for the XPD.StartAnchorPosition detailed above.
XPD.LabelAnchorPosition |
Specifies the anchor position for a connection’s label in relation to the connection line itself as two Coordinate elements.
- The first Coordinate specifies the anchor point of the label as a percentage distance along connection line (from start of connection) in the XCoordinate attribute.
- The second Coordinate specifies a horizontal and vertical offset from the anchor position (in the XCoordinate and YCoordinate attributes).
XPD.LabelSize |
XCoordinate=Width, YCoordinate=Height. If text wrapped at the given width is too large for the height, the height is automatically adjusted on screen. |
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