Converting TIBCO Business Studio iProcess XPDL to TIBCO Business Studio BPM XPDL

This wizard converts TIBCO Business Studio XPDL(s) (selected/ contained in the selected TIBCO Business Studio project) already configured for the iProcess destination into TIBCO Business Studio XPDL format suitable for the BPM destination.

This conversion operates on XPDL files already in a TIBCO Business Studio iProcess workspace project, and the user specifies a separate TIBCO Business Studio BPM project as the target for the converted files. If the selected XPDL files reference processes or process-interfaces in other XPDL files, then those XPDL files will be automatically added to the set of files to convert.


  1. From the individual iProcess project, right-click on the iProcess Project, or process package special folder of an iProcess project, or multiple XPDL files of the same iProcess project, select Convert iProcess XPDL(s) for BPM Destination.
    Note: An iProcess project here means a project with the iProcess destination enabled.
    Note: When activated on a project with the iProcess destination, if the project does not contain any valid iProcess XPDL, it will show a message dialog stating "No Valid iProcess XPDL found for Conversion".
    This invokes the Convert Studio iProcess XPDL(s) to Studio BPM XPDL(s) wizard.
  2. Browse to select a target folder for the XPDL(s) (which cannot be the same as the source folder). Click Next.
    The validation starts.
  3. Click Finish when the validation has completed and if you do not need to resolve any issues.
    XPDLs and any referenced WSDL are copied to the target BPM project.