Configuration Markup
<!ELEMENT extension (migrationInjector)+> <!ATTLIST extension point CDATA #REQUIRED id CDATA #IMPLIED name CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT migrationInjector EMPTY> <!ATTLIST migrationInjector beforeOrAfter (Before|After) "Before" formatVersion CDATA "1" xsltFile CDATA #REQUIRED>
Each migration injector can inject one xslt transformation before or after migration to a given TIBCO Business Studio XPDL format version.
beforeOrAfter - Whether the xslt should be injected and executed before or after the standard TIBCO Business Studio migration to the given formatVersion.
formatVersion - Format version - effectively the position in XPDL migration sequence where to inject the xslt.
xsltFile - Xslt transformation to perform just before or after standard migration conversion to a given formatVersion from the previous formatVersion.
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