Using the Uninstaller

Uninstall TIBCO Business Studio using the uninstaller.


  1. Log in to the system on which you want to uninstall software.
  2. The Welcome dialog is displayed. Click Next.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Select Typical to uninstall all products in the environment, and omit the next step.
    • Select Custom to choose products in this environment to uninstall , and continue with the next step.
  4. The Product Uninstall Selection dialog is displayed. Select the products (for example, TIBCO Business Studio 3.9.0) you want to uninstall and click Next.
  5. The Ready to Uninstall dialog is displayed. If you want to change any of your choices, click Back to step back through the dialogs to the appropriate point. You can then restart the uninstallation process from that point. When you are satisfied with your choices, click Uninstall.
    Note: The TIBCO Business Studio entries in the Start menus may appear after the uninstallation. To correct this log out, then log in again.