Creating a Package

The root XPDL element is Package and the following namespaces are used:


The semantics for the Package, Process and Redefineable Headers allow the least restrictive interpretation of the XPDL schema possible.

A Package Header in TIBCO Business Studio is defined by XPDL as follows:

TIBCO Business Studio contributes the following elements to the Package only:

Attribute Example Notes
<xpdl2:ExtendedAttribute Name="CreatedBy" Value="TIBCO Business Studio"/>
You can provide any value. The example indicates that the process was created in TIBCO Business Studio, but there is no checking or validation.
<xpdl2:ExtendedAttribute Name="FormatVersion" Value="8"/>
Mandatory. The FormatVersion must be set to match the version of TIBCO Business Studio you are working with. When importing into newer versions, TIBCO Business Studio has a Quick Fix that allows you to migrate to the latest FormatVersion, thus providing a level of backwards compatibility in new versions of TIBCO Business Studio without the necessity to change your import.
Note: These are also elements called ExtendedAttribute that are in the base namespace. For example:
<xpdl2:TaskService xpdExt:ImplementationType="E-Mail"
      <xpdl2:MessageIn Id="_V_wdICrAEdy4JvZXy-dYnw"/>
         <xpdl2:MessageOut Id="_V_wdISrAEdy4JvZXy-dYnw"/>
              <email:From email:Configuration="Server"/>
              <email:Subject>RE: minutes of our
            <email:SMTP email:Configuration="Server"/>