Error Codes Naming Convention

Product execution errors, warnings, and information are reported through detailed log messages that can help trace the cause of the issue. These messages follow a naming convention that indicates the component and log level for each message. The log levels allow you to capture different granularity of messages for different loggers.

Messages returned by the software consist of a code and an associated message.

The message code consists of two parts, a component ID and a 6-digit number, separated by a hyphen (-). The component ID indicates the component that reported the message and the 6-digit number is a numerical range that indicates the logger level.

The following table lists the component IDs and their descriptions.

Error Codes Naming Convention
Component ID Description
TIBCO-AMX-ADMIN TIBCO ActiveMatrix Administrator
TIBCO-AMX-CF Component Framework
TIBCO-AMX-HPA Host Platform Adapter
TIBCO-AMX-IT-JAVA-SPRING Java or Spring Implementation Type
TIBCO-AMX-SR-HTTP Shared Resource - HTTP
TIBCO-AMX-SR-JDBCXA Shared Resource - JDBC Transaction
TIBCO-AMX-SR-THREADPOOL Shared Resource - Threadpool