The "revertPatch" command reverts an existing patch from a TIBCO Host instance or from all TIBCO Host instances in a CONFIG_HOME.
This command reverts the specified patch as well as all patches with the same ID and a later version. This behavior is useful if you apply several patches of different version at once and want to revert all of them with a single command. You simply revert the oldest of the group of patches, and all the newer ones will be reverted at the same time.
If the patch being reverted is not the most recently applied patch, all patches between the most recently applied and that requested (inclusive) are automatically reverted.
Note: The TIBCO Host instance must not be in
Running state. All Nodes managed by the instance must be stopped first to revert a patch.
The identifier of the patch to be reverted. Identifiers are of the form <name>:<version>. You can get a list of applied Patch IDs with the "describeAppliedPatches" command.
Stops TIBCOHost instance(s) before reverting the patch.
Starts TIBCOHost instance(s) with "clearCache" after reverting the patch. Starts TIBCOHost instance as a Service if it is installed as Windows Service.
Clears the cache of all participating Nodes without starting the TIBCOHost Instance on which the Nodes are running.
The "clearCache" argument can also be used to start TIBCOHosts running as Windows Service with "clearCache". You must specify the "clearCache" when reverting a patch from TIBCOHost Instance(s) running as Windows Service.
- If you intend to start Host instances manually, ensure that ALL Hosts are started with "clearCache". Alternatively, use the "-clearCache" argument while running this command. This clears cache of all Nodes on Host instance(s) after reverting the patch without starting them.
- This command does not handle "clearCache" start of Hosts running as NT Service by default. This can be also be handled by "-clearCache" flag. If you have Hosts running as NT Service, you must specify "-clearCache" along with "-handleStart" to start the Hosts with "clearCache".
Delay after reverting the patch and between each TIBCO Host instance startup. This argument is optional. The command will use the default delay of 10 seconds.
Run in non-interactive mode.
Allows you to see what changes would be made by reverting a patch, without making the actual changes. The command executes without making changes and you can look in the log to see what changes would have been made.
>revertPatch -configHomeLocation /path/to/confighome/location -instanceName myTibcoHostInstance -ID amx.platform.patch:3.3.0.HF14 -handleStop -handleStart
This stops the TIBCOHost Instance
myTibcoHostInstance in the
CONFIG_HOME path/to/confighome/location, reverts the patch
amx.platform.patch:3.3.0.HF14, and starts the Instance with "clearCache".
Note: By default, this starts TIBCOHosts running as Windows Service without the "
clearCache" option.
>revertPatch -configHomeLocation /path/to/confighome/location -instanceName myTibcoHostInstance -ID amx.platform.patch:3.3.0.HF14 -clearCache
This reverts the patch
amx.platform.patch:3.3.0.HF14 from TIBCOHost Instance
myTibcoHostInstance in the CONFIG_HOME path/to/confighome/location and clears cache of all Nodes on the Instance
>revertPatch -configHomeLocation /path/to/confighome/location -instanceName myTibcoHostInstance -ID amx.platform.patch:3.3.0.HF14 -handleStop -handleStart -clearCache
This stops the TIBCOHost Instance
myTibcoHostInstance in the
CONFIG_HOME path/to/confighome/location, reverts the patch
amx.platform.patch:3.3.0.HF14, clears cache of all Nodes on the Instance and starts the Instance. This starts the Instance with "clearCache" whether it is running as a process or as a Windows Service.
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