Generating the Database Schema and Starting the Database
You can either use the TIBCO Configuration Tool or use the SPM_HOME/bin/tibspmddlgenerator utility to generate the database schema.
- Copy AMX_3_0_SPM_Schema from TIBCO_HOME/amxspmdashboard/3.4/config to TIBCO_HOME/spm/2.3/config. Select a CONFIG_HOME that is different from the one you used while configuring TIBCO Configuration Tool and create a new database user.
Generate the database schema:
- Launch TIBCO Configuration Tool from TIBCO_HOME/tct/1.6/TIBCOConfigurationTool and select the Configure TIBCO Service Performance Manager - V2.3.
- Select Configure TIBCO Service Performance Manager Server, provide the database credentials, and select the Store Facts check box in the Storage and Recovery Configuration screen.
- Select Generate TIBCO Service Performance Manager Database Schema. Provide the Config Folder, Output Folder, and Property File locations. Click Generate scripts, click Next, and then click Configure.
The following files are generated in the database folder (for example: TIBCO_HOME/spm/2.3/bin/oracle):spm_<database_type_name>_cleanupdml.sql spm_<database_type_name>_createddl.sql spm_<database_type_name>_dropddl.sql
- Execute the DDL scripts generated in the previous step.
- Create tables in database (Oracle, DB2, MySQL) using the spm_oracle_createddl.sql file.
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