Client Properties of TIBCO Service Performance Manager
Property | Mandatory? | Default Value | Description |
spm.probe | Yes | off | Property to enable or disable a service probe on TIBCO ActiveMatrix nodes. |
spm.client.connection.username | Yes | admin | Specifies username of metric engine. |
spm.client.connection.password | Yes |
Specifies password for metric engine. This is obfuscated using the obfuscation utility shipped with the product. |
spm.client.jms.jndi.url | Yes | tibjmsnaming://localhost:7222 | Specifies JMS JNDI URL. | | No | AMX_3_0 | The value of the name attribute of the Schema file. This Schema file is given as an input to TIBCO Service Performance Manager. |
spm.client.jvm.stat.interval.minutes | No | 1 | Interval in minutes that a service uses to publish the JVM information of a node to TIBCO Service Performance Manager. |
spm.client.jms.jndi.contextfactory | No | com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory | Specifies context factory class for the JMS provider. |
spm.client.jms.queueconnectionfactory | No | SPMQueueConnectionFactory | Queue connection factory name. Needs to be pre-created. |
spm.client.abound.queue | No | spm.inbound.queue | Queue name on JMS to perform sync/async operations. |
spm.client.jms.inbound.query.queue | No | spm.inbound.query.queue | Queue name on JMS to perform snapshot query operations. |
spm.client.jms.outbound.queue | No | spm.outbound.queue | Queue name on JMS for client to receive notifications from metric engine. |
spm.client.taskmgr.threadpool.size | No | 5 | Number of threads to be used for fact publishing per session. |
spm.client.taskmgr.threadpool.keepalive.time | No | 60 | Specifies the time (in seconds) to keep alive the task manager threads. When this time elapses, idle threads time out. |
spm.client.fact.queue.depth | No | 1000 | Defines the queue depth for the internal queue for creating a batch of facts. |
spm.client.fact.batch.size | No | 1 | Number of facts to batch before publishing to the TIBCO Service Performance Manager server. For TIBCO ActiveMatrix Administrator nodes which publishes lifecycle events, this value can be one. Having the value as one ensures that such events are published immediately. For TIBCO ActiveMatrix non-Administrator nodes the value can be different, say 100. |
spm.client.facts.retry.count | No | INT_MAX | Maximum retries for a synchronous operation if it fails as a result of EMS disconnect. |
spm.client.fact.eviction.enabled | No | true |
Enable or disable asynchronous eviction of facts once the queue depth is full. When disabled, eviction is done by thread putting the fact. Disabling it may result in more facts being lost if the fact batch size is high and the put rate is more than the consumption rate. |
spm.client.fact.eviction.frequency | No | 100 | You can set this property only if spm.client.fact.eviction.enabled is set to true. |
spm.client.fact.batch.expiry | No | 5 | Defines the amount of time in seconds to wait to flush residual facts if the batch size condition is not met. |
spm.client.heartbeat.interval | No | 60 * 1000 | Specifies time interval in milliseconds used by named client sessions to send heartbeat. |
spm.client.sync.operation.retry.count | No | 3 | Maximum retries for an operation in case it fails. |
spm.client.retry.count | No | INT_MAX | Maximum retries for establishing connection to a transport provider. |
spm.client.retry.wait | No | 1000 | Time in milliseconds to wait before retrying the operation. |
spm.client.sync.response.timeout | No | 10000 | Time in milliseconds to wait for the TIBCO Service Performance Manager to wait for the server to send a response for a sync operation like query registration. |
spm.client.sync.jms.msg.expiry | No | 5 * 60000 = 30000 | Time in milliseconds for the JMS provider to keep a message before it expires. |
spm.client.session.init.timeout | No | LONG_MAX | Time to wait for the client session to complete. |
spm.client.session.init.timeout.timeunit | No | TimeUnit.DAYS | The time unit for the wait for the spm.client.session.init.timeout property. | | No | 1000 | Defines the queue depth for the internal TIBCO ActiveMatrix queue for creating a batch of TIBCO Service Performance Manager events. | | No | Number of processes +1. | Defines the minimum number of threads to be used for publishing TIBCO ActiveMatrix events to the TIBCO Service Performance Manager fact queue. |
spm.amx.resource.stat.interval.minutes | No | 1 minute |
The TIBCO ActiveMatrix node publishes statistical information of a Shared Resource instance over the interval specified in this property. For shared resources, the fact emission interval is one minute. For an application service hit, it is real time. | | No |
amx.artifactserver.ap,,, amx.dashboard-app, amx.platform-app, amx.governance.mcr.aggregator,,, com.tibco.amx.platform, com.tibco.amx.mcr.aggregator, com.tibco.amx.commonlogging, GovernanceControlDistribution = default,<APPLICATION_NAME> |
List of comma-separated application names for which life cycle and statistical information is not sent to TIBCO Service Performance Manager. | | No |
tibco.admin.http.connector.internal, amxAdminDefaultHttpConnector, tibco.admin.appdb.jdbc = default,<USER_SPECIFIED_RESOURCE_NAME> |
List of comma-separated resource names for which life cycle and statistical information is not sent to TIBCO Service Performance Manager. |