Running the Facebook Client Sample

Start the application and test the HTTP GET and POST operations. You can run the sample from TIBCO BusinessStudio.


  1. Deploy the DAA located in Deployment Artifacts:

    - Facebook Graph APIs are SSL protected and hence the client must be SSL-enabled. The certificate file (.crt) and keystore (.jks) file are packaged along with this sample.

    - The above keystore is referred by Resource Template/FacebookKeystoreProviderResource.cred. Update it with the absolute path to the keystore.
    Note: If the keystore has expired, download it from the Facebook site.
  2. Right click the design panel background.
  3. Select Debug in RAD to start the application.
  4. Use URL http://<Host>:<Port>/fBGraphService?wsdl to load the WSDL in SOAP UI or in the WebService Explorer.

    You will see an operation getUserProfile which accepts two arguments - user and access_token. The access_token argument is the Oauth token required by Facebook REST API and user is the user name or id or me (currently logged in user).

  5. Get an Access Token:
    1. Open Facebook Graph Explorer using the following URL:
    2. After authentication, click Get Acces Token on the right side in Graph API Explorer.
    3. After you get the Access Token, use it while invoking getUserProfile operation.