Enabling the Service Probe on TIBCO ActiveMatrix Nodes

You can enable the TIBCO ActiveMatrix service probe from TIBCO ActiveMatrix Administrator UI or CLI.

Enabling the service probe on the SystemNode (that serves the TIBCO ActiveMatrix Administration application) is mandatory when TIBCO Service Performance Manager is being used. Additionally, the service probe should be enabled on the runtime nodes that need to be monitored.

While enabling the service probe on the runtime nodes is optional, it is recommended that the service probe be enabled on all nodes in an environment that needs to be monitored.
Note: You must enable the probe on each newly created node. Make changes in TIBCO_HOME/administrator/3.4/samples/spm/spm_probe_data.

The TIBCO ActiveMatrix service probe publishes asset state to synchronize with TIBCO Service Performance Manager in the following two ways:

  1. Periodically - on the hour.
  2. Manually - when user refreshes Application(s) from TIBCO ActiveMatrix

TIBCO Service Performance Manager dashboard will not display the correct state for the applications unless one of the above two events take place. For example, when you restart a runtime node the state will not be updated until the periodic synchronization happens or you explicitly refresh the TIBCO ActiveMatrix Administrator.