The "applyEB" command applies a given Engineering Build (EB) to TIBCO_HOME and to the specified TIBCOHost Instance in the CONFIG_HOME. If Instance name is not provided, it applies the Engineering Build to all TIBCOHost Instances in a provided CONFIG_HOME. By default, it stops all TIBCOHost Instances before applying the Engineering Build and after successful application of the Engineering Build, it starts all TIBCOHost Instances with "clearCache". If a TIBCOHost Instance is installed as Windows Service, this command starts the Instance as a Service. Before applying the Engineering Build, it takes a backup of the existing files into <CONFIG_HOME>/EngineeringBuilds/Before_<nameOfEBZip>_backup/ folder where "nameOfEBZip" is the name of the Engineering Build zip file (for example, "TIB_amx_<version>_engineering_build<buildNumber>" ). It also copies the readme file for the specified Engineering Build to <TIBCO_HOME>/_ebInstallInfo folder.
This command identifies whether the Engineering Build is targeted for ActiveMatrix Hawk microagent. If the Engineering Build is targeted for ActiveMatrix Hawk microagent, the command applies the Engineering Build to the given ActiveMatrix Hawk microagent and to TIBCO Home. In such case, the Engineering Build is not applied to the CONFIG_HOME.
- The TIBCO Host instances must not be running and all nodes on the instances must be stopped to apply an Engineering Build. If you have other CONFIG_HOME running from same TIBCO_HOME, all Host instances on those CONFIG_HOME must be stopped manually before applying an Engineering Build. This command will stop Host instances from the given CONFIG_HOME only.
- After applying the Engineering Build, the command copies the readme file released with the Engineering Build (for example, TIB_amx_<version>_engineering_build<buildNumber>_readme.txt for Engineering Build TIB_amx_<version>_engineering_build<buildNumber>) to <TIBCO_HOME>/_ebInstallInfo folder.
- This command applies the JAR files from the specified Engineering Build into appropriate location(s). However, there might be additional actions required to enable this Engineering Build, that is, updating TRA properties and so on. Refer to the readme file released with the Engineering Build (for example, TIB_amx_<version>_engineering_build<buildNumber>_readme.txt for Engineering Build TIB_amx_<version>_engineering_build<buildNumber>) to ensure that all of the required steps are carried out.
>applyEB -configHomeLocation /path/to/confighome/location -instanceName myTibcoHostInstance -ebLocation /path/to/
This stops TIBCOHost Instance myTibcoHostInstance in the CONFIG_HOME path/to/confighome/location, applies the Engineering Build to TIBCO_HOME and to the Instance myTibcoHostInstance and starts the Instance with "clearCache" .
>applyEB -configHomeLocation /path/to/confighome/location -ebLocation /path/to/
This stops all TIBCOHost Instances in the CONFIG_HOME path/to/confighome/location, applies the Engineering Build to TIBCO_HOME and to all of the Instances and starts the Instances with "clearCache".
>applyEB -configHomeLocation /path/to/confighome/location -ebLocation /path/to/ -skipStop -skipStart
This skips the step to stop TIBCOHost instance(s) and applies the Engineering Build to TIBCO_HOME and to all of the Instances in the CONFIG_HOME /path/to/confighome/location. It skips the step to start TIBCOHost instance(s).