The "applyPatch" command applies a patch to a TIBCO Host instance or to all TIBCO Host instances in CONFIG_HOME.
Some patches are successive in nature, and may require other patches to be applied before the new patch can be applied. The "describeAvailablePatches" command will tell you which patches require other patches to be applied first.
Applying a patch consists of two operations, and they are executed depending on the scope of the patch.
- The first operation upgrades the TIBCO Host itself.
- The second operation upgrades the software running in all the Nodes of TIBCO Host. If a patch does not affect the TIBCO Host, the TIBCO Host is not modified. Similarly, if a patch does not affect Node software, Nodes will not be modified. If any errors are encountered during application of a patch, all changes are rolled back and the TIBCO Host instance is not modified.
>applyPatch -configHomeLocation /path/to/confighome/location -instanceName myTibcoHostInstance -ID amx.platform.patch:3.3.0.HF14 -handleStop -handleStart
This stops the TIBCOHost Instance myTibcoHostInstance in the CONFIG_HOME path/to/confighome/location, applies the patch amx.platform.patch:3.3.0.HF14 and starts the Instance with "clearCache".
>applyPatch -configHomeLocation /path/to/confighome/location -nonInteractive
This applies the latest available patch in TIBCO_HOME to all TIBCOHost Instances in the CONFIG_HOME path/to/confighome/location.
>applyPatch -configHomeLocation /path/to/confighome/location -instanceName myTibcoHostInstance -ID amx.platform.patch:3.3.0.HF14 -clearCache
This applies the patch amx.platform.patch:3.3.0.HF14 to TIBCOHost Instance myTibcoHostInstance in the CONFIG_HOME path/to/confighome/location and clears cache of all Nodes on the Instance myTibcoHostInstance.
>applyPatch -configHomeLocation /path/to/confighome/location -clearCache
This applies the latest available patch in TIBCO_HOME to all TIBCOHost Instances in the CONFIG_HOME path/to/confighome/location and clears cache of all Nodes on all TIBCOHost Instances.
>applyPatch -configHomeLocation /path/to/confighome/location -handleStop -handleStart -clearCache
This stops all TIBCOHost Instances in the CONFIG_HOME path/to/confighome/location, applies the latest available patch to all of them, clears cache of all Nodes on all of the TIBCOHost Instances and starts the Instances. This starts all Instances with "clearCache" whether they are running as processes or as Windows Service.
>applyPatch -configHomeLocation /path/to/confighome/location -handleStop -handleStart -delayInSeconds 30
This stops all TIBCOHost Instances in the CONFIG_HOME path/to/confighome/location, applies the latest available patch to all of them and starts the Instances with "clearCache". This adds a delay of 30 seconds after applying the patch and between each TIBCOHost instance startup.