Server Control

The property in the main configuration file enables or disables the checking of permissions for all destinations managed by the server.

The authorization property also enables or disables verification of user names and passwords.

Warning: The default setting is disabled. For secure deployments, the administrator must explicitly set authorization to enabled.

When authorization is disabled, the server grants any connection request, and does not check permissions when a client accesses a destination (for example, publishing a message to a topic).

When authorization is enabled, the server grants connections only from valid authenticated users. The server checks permissions for client operations involving secure destinations.

To enable authorization, either edit tibemsd.conf (set the authorization property to enabled, and restart the server). Or you can use the tibemsadmin tool to dynamically enable authorization with the following set server command:

   set server authorization=enabled

Authorization does affect connections between fault-tolerant server pairs; see Authorization and Fault-Tolerant Servers.

Administrators must always log in with the correct administration username and password to perform any administrative function—even when authorization is disabled.