SpaceEvent Objects

SpaceEvent objects are either passed as the argument to methods of a class implementing the SpaceListener interface or returned by an EventBrowser’s next method.

SpaceEvent objects implement the following methods:

 Returns the tuple associated with the space event (that is, the tuple that was put or updated, the tuple that was taken or removed, the tuple that expired, or the tuple that is now seeded or is no longer seeded).
 Returns the space object representing the space on which this event was generated (this is a convenience function so that the users can then easily interact with the space in reaction to the event).
 Returns the type of the event (useful when using an event browser) which can be either EVENT_PUT, EVENT_TAKE, or EXPIRE_EVENT. If the distribution scope of the listener or browser is SEEDED, the type can also be EVENT_SEED or EVENT_UNSEED.
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