JDBC Query

JDBC Query is an asynchronous activity that performs the specified SQL SELECT statement. If this activity is not part of a transaction group, the SQL statement is committed after the activity completes.

If this activity is part of a transaction group, the SQL statement is committed or rolled back with the other JDBC activities in the group at the end of the transaction.

If you want to override the default behavior of transaction groups for certain JDBC activities in a transaction group, you can select the Override Transaction Behavior check box on the Advanced tab. This specifies that the activity is outside of the transaction and the SQL statement is committed when the activity completes, even if the activity is in a transaction group.


The General tab has the following fields.

Field Literal Value/Module Property Description
Name None The name to be displayed as the label for the activity in the process.
JDBC Shared Resource Yes The path to the shared configuration resource containing the JDBC connection information. For more information, see JDBC Connection.
Timeout(sec) Yes The time (in seconds) to wait for the query to complete. If the query does not complete in the given time limit, an error is returned.
Maximum rows Yes The maximum number of rows to retrieve. To retrieve all rows, specify 0.


Provide a short description for the activity.


The Statement tab has the following fields.

Field Description
Statement This is the SQL SELECT statement to perform in the database. You can use a SQL Builder wizard to build the query for the desired database.
Prepared Statement The Prepared Statement contains the Parameter Name and Data Type fields. All the parameters defined in the Prepared Statement table are shown in the Input tab of the activity for the user to provide values.

Each prepared statement corresponds to the question mark in the same position in the SQL statement. That is, the first prepared statement in the list corresponds to the first question mark, the second prepared statement in the list corresponds to the second question mark, and so on. The warning is for the purpose of information only. Ensure that the parameters in this field correctly correspond to the statement.

You can optionally specify names for each prepared parameter. By default, the prepared statements are named Parameter1, Parameter2, and so on. You must supply the datatype of each parameter to the SQL statement, and this data type is used in the input schema for the statement.

Execute the Query Button

Runs the JDBC Select statement entered in the Statement field and shows the results in the Results View. These results are persisted in the workspace.

SQL Button

Launch Eclipse SQL Builder. For more information about using the SQL Query Builder to visually build queries, see Eclipse Documentation at eclipse.org.

Fetch Button

Using the Fetch button on this activity, you can synchronize the activity with the contents of the database. When you first configure a JDBC activity, click the Fetch button to retrieve the schema for the output result set before applying your changes by saving your project.

After you have configured your activity, the Fetch button is useful when you make a change to the database while editing a process containing this activity in TIBCO BusinessWorks™ Container Edition. The Fetch button synchronizes with the database and changes the output schema, if necessary.


The Advanced tab has the following fields.

Field Description
ThreadPool SharedResource Specifies a queue of threads available to run a queue of tasks. Thread pools are used to improve performance when executing large numbers of asynchronous tasks by reducing per task invocation overhead, provide a means of bounding, and managing the resources consumed when executing a collection of tasks.
Loop Subset in Calling Processes
Note: This field can be activated on selecting the Process in Subsets check box.

Use this field to configure the loop with lastSubset in another process. This another process calls the subprocess in which the JDBC Query activity is used.

Provide the names of the processes as a comma separated list.

For example, mypackage1.myprocess1,mypackage2.myprocess2.

If no input is provided for this field and the Loop Subset in Current Process is also not selected it means the loop is in a direct call process of the subprocess.

Either Loop Subset in Calling Processes or Loop Subset in Current Process can be selected at a time.

Loop Subset in Current Process
Note: This field can be activated on selecting the Process in Subsets check box.
Select this check box to configure the loop with lastSubset inside the current process for activity.

Either Loop Subset in Calling Processes or Loop Subset in Current Process can be selected at a time.

Override Transaction Behavior Overrides the default behavior of a transaction group. If this activity is in a transaction group, the activity is normally committed or rolled back with the other transactional activities.

This activity is not part of the transaction group and is committed when it completes, when this check box is selected. Selecting this option uses a separate database connection to perform the activity and commit the SQL statement.

Override JDBC Connection Selecting this option overrides the default datasource connection, and allows for SQL queries to be executed against the optional datasource.

After selecting this option, the sharedResourceName field is enabled under the Input > Data Source tab. From the sharedResourceName field, type the complete path with the name of the optional datasource, which can be found under the Resources folder. For example, if a JDBC shared resource is located at Resources > Package_Name > JDBC_SR_Name, then the value you enter should be Package_Name.JDBC_SR_Name. The value you enter in the XPath Expression field is case sensitive and must be a string.

To avoid mapping issues, ensure the optional datasource maintains a structure that is identical to the default database, and that both datasources are using the same datatypes.
Note: Transactions between multiple datasources is not supported.
Use Nil Specifies whether NULLs are represented as optional schema elements or whether each item that can contain a NULL has subitems.
Interpret Empty String as Null Specifies how empty strings in the activity’s input elements should be handled. Selecting this check box sends the nulls to the database where empty strings are supplied. Empty strings are treated as zero-length strings, when this check box is not selected. Whether you use this field or not, you can still use XPath to set input elements explicitly to null.
Note: Many databases treat empty strings and nulls as the same, so this field does not affect how the database interprets empty strings.
Interpret Invalid XML Chars Specifies how invalid characters should be handled.

If the check box is clear and invalid characters are sent from the database, the JDBC Query execution fails. When the check box is selected and invalid characters are sent, TIBCO BusinessWorks Container Edition executes it successfully.

Process In Subsets Selecting this check box activates the Loop Subset in Calling Processes and Loop Subset in Current Process fields.

This field provides the option to process the result set in smaller batches rather than processing the entire result set at once. When this check box is selected, the subsetSize input element is displayed for you to specify the size of each batch of records you want to process. Also, the lastSubset output element is displayed and is set to true when the last batch of records is being processed.

Not selecting this check box returns the whole result set.

Override SQL Statement Selecting this check box overrides the SQL SELECT statement specified on the Statement tab, and enables you to add a new SQL statement on the Input tab.
Tip: To connect to another database that has a schema with the same table structure, select the Override JDBC Connection check box. After doing this, go to the Input tab, and specify a Shared Resource at sharedResourceName.


The following is the input for the activity.

Input Item Datatype Description
ServerTimeZone string Specifies the time zone for the database server.
timeout number The time (in seconds) to wait for the query to complete. If the query does not complete in the given time limit, an error is returned.
maxRows number The maximum number of rows to retrieve. To retrieve all rows, specify 0.
SqlStatement string Displays after the Override SQL Statement check box on the Advanced tab has been selected. This is the SQL SELECT statement to perform in the database. You can use a SQL Builder wizard to build the query for the desired database. You can also use a module property here.
Note: If you create a new SQL statement, ensure the new statement does not differ from the output schema specified on the Output tab. If the new SQL statement does not match the output schema, an error is generated at run time. The output schema is determined from the original SQL statement on the Statement tab.


The following is the output of the activity.

Output Item Datatype Description
resultSet complex The root class for the output of the JDBC Query activity. This class contains all output items for the activity.
Record complex The result of the database query. The contents of the Record element depends upon the columns returned by the query.


The Fault tab lists the possible exceptions generated by this activity. For more information about error codes and the corrective action to take, see the TIBCO BusinessWorks™ Container Edition Error Codes guide.

Fault Generated When..
JDBCConnectionNotFoundException An error occurred when attempting to connect to the specified database.
InvalidTimeZoneException An invalid time zone was specified.
JDBCSQLException An SQL error occurred.
LoginTimedOutException A timeout has occurred while attempting to connect to the database.
InvalidSQLTypeException A parameter’s datatype does not match the datatype of the table column.
DuplicatedFieldNameException A duplicate field name was specified.
ActivityTimedOutException A timeout has been reached.