Using HashiCorp Vault for Credential Management Service

HashiCorp Vault is used to integrate with TIBCO BusinessWorks™ Container Edition for credential management system to retrieve passwords from the vault to use it within the application at runtime when the password is required. This would avoid adding any passwords in the deployment configuration and redeploying the application.

A new HashiCorp Vault provider is added for the Credential Management for property of type password.

The HashiCorp Vault has the following fields,
  • Secret Name: Path of the secret.
  • Secret Key: Key of the secret in the KeyValue engine.
  • Mount Path: Path where the KeyValue engine is enabled.

On TIBCO Business Studio™ for BusinessWorks™, the format is stored as #Secret_Name::Secret_key::Mount_Path#

To enable Hashicorp vault credential management system pass the following environment variables at runtime

To use the name of the namespace, pass the HASHICORP_VAULT_NAMESPACE environment variable.

For more information on the environment variables, see Environment Variables.

The authentication methods supported for HashiCorp Vault are Token, AppRole, and Userpass.

Authentication Method Description Environment Variables to enable the Authentication Method
Token This authentication method allows users to authenticate using a token. HASHICORP_VAULT_TOKEN
AppRole This authentication method allows machines or applications to authenticate with vault-defined roles. The default path is approle/ If this authentication method is enabled at a different location, the environment variabes used to enable this authentication method is:
Userpass This authentication method allows users to authenticate with the vault using a username and password combinations. The username and password combinations are configured directly to the authentication method using the users or path.

Secrets engines are components which store, generate or encrypt data. Some secrets engines simply store and read data while others connect to services and generate dynamic credentials on demand. Other secrets engines also provide encryption as a service. Secrets engines are enabled at a "path" in the Vault. When a request comes to the Vault, the router automatically routes anything with the route prefix to the secrets engine. The supported secret engine currently is Key Value Engine.

The KeyValue (KV) engine is the supported secret engine for HashiCorp Vault. The default engine used is the KeyValue (KV) engine version 2. If the HASHICORP_VAULT_KV_VERSION environment variable is set to 1, KeyValue (KV) engine version 1 is used.

HTTPS Support:

The HASHICORP_CACERT environment variable needs to be set to the path of the certificate.

In TIBCO Business Studio™ for BusinessWorks™ provide the path of the certificate in the HASHICORP_CACERT environment variable.

In Docker, place the certificate in the /resources/addons/certs/ folder.

  • The HashiCorp Vault is supported only on Docker and Kubernetes platform.
  • All the passwords fetched from the HashiCorp Vault are obfuscated.