Exporting a Project as a Template

You can export already created project, or first create a project with some basic functionalities and then export the project as template.

You can export an application module, a shared module, or a binary shared module as a template. Before creating a template, make sure that there are no errors in the project. The following steps show how to export a Binding REST sample as a template.


You have imported tibco.bw.sample.binding.rest.Basic sample in the Project Explorer. For more information, see "Accessing Samples" in TIBCO BusinessWorks™ Container Edition Samples.


  1. Select the project. Right-click and select Export > Studio Projects as Template

    The Export Project dialog box is displayed.

  2. To select all dependencies associated with the project, click the Select Dependencies button
  3. Provide the template folder path and click Next.
  4. Provide required details such as a suitable name, version and description to the template.

    By default, the template name is same as project name.

  5. Click Finish.
    The Binding_REST_Template.1.0.0.bwtemplate file is created at the specified location.