Environment Variables for TIBCO Business Studio™ for BusinessWorks™
This section lists the environment variables that can be used for application deployment inside TIBCO Business Studio™ for BusinessWorks™ for configuration management.
Environment Variable | Default Values | Description |
APPLICATION_NAME | n/a | This environment variable is used to provide custom application name to fetch application properties from config management. |
Name of the application profile that is to be used from a configuration management system. |
BW_PROFILE_ENCRYPTION_KEYSTORE | n/a | The name of the KeyStore file |
BW_PROFILE_ENCRYPTION_KEYSTORETYPEn | n/a | The type of the KeyStore file. The common types are; jks, jceks, pkcs12. |
BW_PROFILE_ENCRYPTION_KEYSTOREPASSWORD | n/a | Password of the private KeyStore. |
BW_PROFILE_ENCRYPTION_KEYALIASPASSWORD | n/a | The alias password of the KeyStore. |
BW_PROFILE_ENCRYPTION_KEYALIAS | n/a | The alias name used for the KeyStore. |
CONSUL_SERVER_URL | n/a | Used to set Consul server configuration.
For example, CONSUL_SERVER_URL= must be set if you intend to use Consul for application configuration or for service registration and discovery. |
CONSUL_CUSTOM_FOLDER | n/a | This must be set if you only intend to use properties from Consul Server stored in custom folders.
If properties are stored or exported to <CONSUL_SERVER_URL>/ui/dc1/kv/FOLDER1/FOLDER2 location then the value for CONSUL_CUSTOM_FOLDER = FOLDER1/FOLDER2 |
CONSUL_FORMAT | n/a | Set the value of then environment variable to YAML to use the yaml file for configuration management service using Consul.
Set the value of then environment variable to PROP to use the properties file for configuration management service using Consul. |
CONSUL_DATA_KEY=<KEY_NAME> | n/a | The value of this property is the custom location of the yaml file or the properties files stored on Consul. |
Used to authenticate the request made to the Consul server. |