Engine Error Codes
This section describes the error messages that can be reported by the Engine layers.
Error Codes | Error Message | Error Resolution |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000001 | {0} | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000010 | BWActivityManager Registration Error. The BWActivityManager argument provided to the BW Engine is null. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000012 | Failed to initialize BW Engine. The BW Engine was initialized without a logger object. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000018 | Failed to initialize BW Engine. While registering BWActivtyBridge the BW Engine encountered exception [{0}] | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000020 | Failed to initialize BW Engine. The BWActivityManager was not registered correctly with the BW Engine. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000022 | Failed to initialize BW Engine. The BW Crypto service was not registered correctly with the BW Engine. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000024 | Failed to initialize BW Engine. The BW Custom XPath Function Manager service was not registered correctly with the BW Engine. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000026 | Failed to enable BW Debugger. The BW Engine has not been initialized. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000028 | The BW Debugger is already enabled state and it can not be enabled again. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000030 | Unable to disable BW Debugger. The BW Engine has not been initialized. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000032 | Attempt to disable the BW Debugger encountered exception [{0}] | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000034 | Unable to enable BW Event Publisher. The BW Engine has not been initialized. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000036 | BW Engine configuration data does not contain AppNode name. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000038 | BW Engine configuration data does not contain AppSpace name. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000040 | BW Engine configuration data does not contain Domain name. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000052 | The operation [{0}] is not supported for the BX Non-Executable Module. ModuleName={0}, ModuleVersion={1} | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000054 | The operation [{0}] is not supported for the BX Executable Module. ModuleName={1}, ModuleVersion={2} | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000056 | The operation [{0}] is not supported for the BW Job Shared Variable. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000057 | Unable to obtain EngineManagement. The BW Engine has not been initialized. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000058 | Unable to obtain EngineManagement due to exception [{0}] | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000059 | The BX operation [{0}] failed due to exception [{1}]. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000102 | Invalid 'BWModuleHandle'. The BW module represented by this handle has been already un-installed or the handle has been already destroyed. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000104 | Unable to obtain process templates referenced by BW Module, the BW Engine encountered exception. ModuleName[{0}], ModuleVersion[{1}], Exception[{2}]. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000116 | Unable to obtain GenXDM SchemaComponentCache for the BW Module [{0}]. The operation [{1}] returned "null". | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000118 | Unable to obtain GenXDM SchemaComponentCache for the BW Module [{0}]. The operation [{1}] returned exception [{2}] | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000120 | Unable to obtain GenXDM SchemaComponentCache for the BW Module [{0}:{1}] due to exception [{2}] | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000122 | Unable to obtain "BundleContext" for BW module [{0}:{1}]. The operation [{2}] returned "null" | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000124 | Unable to obtain "BundleContext" for BW module [{0}:{1}] due to exception [{2}] | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000126 | Unable to obtain ServiceReference for the cache service [{0}]. The operation "BundleContext.getServiceReference" for BW module [{1}:{2}] returned "null". | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000128 | Unable to obtain ServiceReference for the cache service [{0}]. The operation "BundleContext.getServiceReference" for BW module [{1}:{2}] returned exception [{3}] | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000130 | Unable to obtain XSD cache service [{0}] for the BW module [{1}:{2}]. The operation [{3}] returned "null". | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000131 | Unable to obtain XSD cache service [{0}] for the BW module [{1}:{2}]. The operation [{3}] returned exception [{4}] | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000132 | Unable to obtain WSDL cache service [{0}] for the BW module [{1}:{2}]. The operation [{3}] returned "null". | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000133 | Unable to obtain WSDL cache service [{0}] for the BW module [{1}:{2}]. The operation [{3}] returned exception [{4}] | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000134 | Unable to obtain WSDL ModuleCache from the WSDLCacheService for the WSDL namespace [{0}], locationURI [{1}] that is associated with the BW Module [{2}:{3}], DeploymentUnit [{4}:{5}]. The operation [{6}] returned "null". | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000135 | Unable to obtain WSDL ModuleCache from the WSDLCacheService for the WSDL namespace [{0}], locationURI [{1}] that is associated with the BW Module [{2}:{3}], DeploymentUnit [{4}:{5}]. Encountered exception [{6}] | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000136 | Unable to obtain BxWSDLResolver for the WSDL namespace [{0}], Location [{1}] that is associated with the BW Module [{2}:{3}], DeploymentUnit [{4}:{5}] due to exception [{6}] | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000137 | Unable to obtain GenXDM WSDL Module for the WSDL namespace [ {0} ] that is associated with the BW Module [{1}:{2}], DeploymentUnit [{3}:{4}]. The operation "{5}" returned exception [{6}] | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000138 | Unable to obtain GenXDM WSDL Module for the WSDL namespace [ {0} ] that is associated with the BW Module [{1}:{2}], DeploymentUnit [{3}:{4}]. The operation "{5}" returned "null". Ensure the BW Module [{6}] is dependent on a BW shared module which contains the WSDL file for this WSDL namespace or the BW Module [{7}] itself contains the required WSDL file. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000140 | Unable to obtain WSDL Message details from the GenXDM WSDL Module for the WSDL namespace [ {0} ] that is referenced in the BW Module [{1}:{2}] due to exception [{3}]. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000142 | Unable to obtain WSDL Definition namespace details from the GenXDM WSDL Module for the WSDL namespace [ {0} ] that is associated with the BW Module [{1}:{2}] due to exception [{3}]. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000144 | Unable to obtain WSDL Target namespace from the GenXDM WSDL Module for the WSDL namespace [ {0} ] that is associated with the BW Module [{1}:{2}] due to exception [{3}]. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000146 | Unable to obtain WSDL Interface details from the GenXDM WSDL Module for the PortType [{0}], that is associated with the BW Module [{1}:{2}]. The operation "{3}" returned exception [{4}]. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000148 | Unable to obtain WSDL Interface details from the GenXDM WSDL Module for the PortType [{0}], that is associated with the BW Module [{1}:{2}]. The operation "{3}" returned null. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000150 | Unable to construct PortType details from the GenXDM WSDL Interface for the WSDL namespace [ {0} ] that is associated with the BW Module [{1}:{2}] due to exception [{3}]. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000152 | Invalid BWBxWSDLResolver. The instance of this BWBxWSDLResolver has been already released. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000160 | The initial value mode [{0}] specified for the {1} [{2}] in BW Module [{3}:{4}], DeploymentUnit[{5}:{6}] is invalid. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000162 | The QName value [{0}] specified for the {1} [{2}] in BW Module [{3}] is invalid or malformed. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000202 | Invalid 'BWComponentHandle'. The BW Component represented by this handle has been already un-installed or the handle has been already destroyed. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000204 | Unable to create ServiceEndpointRequestHandler for BW Component due to invalid BW Process ServiceType [{0}]. ComponentName={1}, ComponentVersion={2} | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000206 | Unable to create ServiceEndpointRequestHandler for BW Component due to invalid BW Process ServiceName [{0}]. ComponentName={1}, ComponentVersion={2} | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000208 | Error occurred while creating ServiceEndpointRequestHandler for service [{0}], BW Component [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}]. Exception[{4}]. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000210 | Unable to create ServiceEndpointRequestHandler for service [{0}], BW Component [{1}]. The operation "BxSystem.getInterfaceProvider" returned "null". | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000212 | Received unexpected exception [{0}] from the service binding associated with the component service [{1}], Application [{2}] on invocation of method [{3}]. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000214 | Unable to obtain "BundleContext". The operation "{0}" returned "null" | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000216 | Unable to obtain "BundleContext" due to exception [{0}] | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000220 | Unable to obtain GenXDM WSDL Module for the WSDL namespace [{0}] that is associated with the BW Component [{1}], Application[{2}:{3}]. The operation "{4}" returned exception [{5}] | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000222 | Unable to obtain GenXDM WSDL Module for the WSDL namespace [{0}] that is associated with the BW Component [{1}], Application[{2}:{3}]. The operation "{4}" returned "null". | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000224 | Unable to obtain WSDL Interface details from the GenXDM WSDL Module for the PortType [{0}], that is associated with the BW Component [{1}], Application[{2}:{3}]. The operation "{4}" returned exception [{5}]. | |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000226 | Unable to obtain WSDL Interface details from the GenXDM WSDL Module for the PortType [{0}], that is associated with the BW Component [{1}], Application[{2}:{3}]. The operation "{4}" returned null. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000228 | Unable to obtain ServiceReference for the cache service [{0}]. The operation "{1}" returned "null". | |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000230 | Unable to obtain ServiceReference for the cache service [{0}] due to exception [{1}] | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000231 | Unable to obtain cache service [{0}]. The operation "{1}" returned "null". | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000132 | Unable to obtain cache service [{0}]. The operation "{1}" returned exception [{2}]. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000232 | Unable to construct PortType details from the GenXDM WSDL Interface for the WSDL namespace [{0}] that is associated with the BW Component [{1}] due to exception [{2}]. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000234 | Unable to obtain ModuleCache for the BW Component [{0}]. The operation "{1}" returned "null". | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000235 | Failed obtain value for the component level property [{0}], BW Component [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}]. Encountered exception [{4}] | BW framework layer encountered errors when accessing the component level property. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000302 | Invalid 'BWApplicationHandle'. The BW Application represented by this handle has been already un-installed or the handle has been already destroyed. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000304 | Unable to create 'BWApplicationHandle' due to invalid BWComponentHandle list. The argument of type 'List<BWComponentHandle>;' must contain at least one BWComponentHandle. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000306 | Unable to create 'BWApplicationHandle' due to inconsistent application names in the BWComponentHandle(s) contained in the argument of type 'List<BWComponentHandle>;'. The handle for the BW Component [{0}] has application name as [{1}] where as the first handle in the list has application name as [{2}]. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000308 | Unable to create 'BWApplicationHandle' for the BW Application [{0}]. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000402 | Error occurred when accessing the ProcessStarter activity [{0}] in process [{1}], module [{2}] from the BWActivityManager. Error={3}. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000404 | Error occurred when configuring the ProcessStarter activity [{0}] in process [{1}], module [{2}]. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000406 | Unable to configure ProcessStarter activity [{0}] in process [{1}], module [{2}] due to crypto service access error. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000408 | HotUpdate operation not supported for ProcessStarter activity [{0}] in process [{1}], module [{2}]. The ProcessStarter already exists for activitId [{3}]. | This error can occur if the BW process file has been corrupted. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000602 | Failed to obtain activity [{0}] in process [{1}], module [{2}] from the BWActivityManager due to exception [{3}]. ActivityId [{4}]. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000604 | Error occurred when configuring the activity [{0}] in process [{1}], module [{2}] | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000606 | Unable to configure activity [{0}] in process [{1}], module [{2}] due to crypto service access error. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000608 | Unable to execute [{0}] operation for an activity. Failed to lookup activity [{1}] in process [{2}], module [{3}] from the BWActivityManager. ActivityId [{4}]. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-000610 | HotUpdate operation not supported for activity [{0}] in process [{1}], module [{2}]. The activity already exists for activitId [{3}]. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-100001 | {0} | This is a trace message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-100002 | Activated Application[{0}], Component[{1}] in AppNode[{2}], ActivationAlias[{3}]. | This is a trace message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-100003 | Activated Application[{0}], Module[{1}] in AppNode[{2}], ActivationAlias[{3}]. | This is a trace message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-200001 | {0} | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202000 | {0} | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202002 | Initialized BW Engine successfully [{0}, {1}, {2}]. | This is a debug message and it indicates the BW Engine was initialized successfully. Resolution is not applicable for this message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202052 | Stopped(Graceful) BW Engine successfully. | This is a debug message and it indicates the BW Engine was stopped gracefully. Resolution is not applicable for this message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202053 | Stopped(Forceful) BW Engine successfully. | This is a debug message and it indicates the BW Engine was stopped forcefully before completing all application jobs. Resolution is not applicable for this message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202054 | BW Engine is already in stopped state. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202055 | Enabled BW Debugger in the BW Engine. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202056 | Disabled BW Debugger in the BW Engine. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202100 | {0} | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202101 | INITIATE: install BW Module [{0}:{1}], DeploymentUnit [{2}:{3}]. | This is a debug message and it indicates the BW Engine is starting to create the BW Module. Resolution is not applicable for this message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202102 | Installed BW Module [{0}:{1}], DeploymentUnit [{2}:{3}]. | This is a debug message and it indicates the BW Engine has completed creating the BW Module. Resolution is not applicable for this message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202103 | INITIATE: release-resources for BW Module [{0}:{1}], DeploymentUnit [{2}:{3}]. | This is a debug message and it indicates the BW Engine is starting to release the BW Module resources. Resolution is not applicable for this message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202104 | Released-resources for BW Module [{0}:{1}], DeploymentUnit [{2}:{3}]. | This is a debug message and it indicates the BW Engine has completed releasing the BW Module resources. Resolution is not applicable for this message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202105 | INITIATE: undeploy BW Module [{0}:{1}], DeploymentUnit [{2}:{3}]. | This is a debug message and it indicates the BW Engine is starting to un-deploying the BW Module. Resolution is not applicable for this message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202106 | Undeployed BW Module [{0}:{1}], DeploymentUnit [{2}:{3}]. | This is a debug message and it indicates the BW Engine has completed un-deploying the BW Module. Resolution is not applicable for this message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202200 | {0} | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202201 | INITIATE: install BW Component [{0}], Application[{1}:{2}]. | This is a debug message and it indicates the BW Engine is starting to create the BW Component. Resolution is not applicable for this message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202202 | Installed BW Component [{0}], Application[{1}:{2}]. | This is a debug message and it indicates the BW Engine has completed creating the BW Component. Resolution is not applicable for this message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202203 | INITIATE: initialize BW Component [{0}], Application[{1}:{2}]. | This is a debug message and it indicates the BW Engine is starting to initialize the BW Component. Resolution is not applicable for this message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202204 | Initialized BW Component [{0}], Application[{1}:{2}]. | This is a debug message and it indicates the BW Engine has completed initializing the BW Component. Resolution is not applicable for this message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202205 | INITIATE: start BW Component [{0}]. | This is a debug message and it indicates the BW Engine is starting the BW Component. Resolution is not applicable for this message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202206 | Started BW Component [{0}]. | This is a debug message and it indicates the BW Engine has stated the BW Component. Resolution is not applicable for this message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202207 | INITIATE: stop(Forceful) BW Component [{0}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202208 | Stopped(Forceful) BW Component [{0}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202209 | INITIATE: destroy BW Component [{0}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202210 | Destroyed BW Component [{0}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202211 | INITIATE: release-resources for BW Component [{0}], Application[{1}:{2}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202212 | Released-resources for BW Component [{0}], Application[{1}:{2}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202213 | INITIATE: undeploy BW Component [{0}], Application[{1}:{2}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202214 | Undeployed BW Component [{0}], Application[{1}:{2}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202215 | INITIATE: start ServiceBinding(s) or ProcessStarter for BW Component [{0}], Application[{1}:{2}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202216 | Started ServiceBinding(s) or ProcessStarter for BW Component [{0}], Application[{1}:{2}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202217 | INITIATE: stop ServiceBinding(s) or ProcessStarter for BW Component [{0}], Application[{1}:{2}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202218 | Stopped ServiceBinding(s) or ProcessStarter for BW Component [{0}], Application[{1}:{2}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202219 | INITIATE: start ServiceBinding [{0}] for BW Component [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202220 | Started ServiceBinding [{0}] for BW Component [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202221 | INITIATE: stop ServiceBinding [{0}] for BW Component [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202222 | Stopped ServiceBinding [{0}] for BW Component [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202223 | Ready to uninstall BW Component [{0}], Application [{1}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202224 | Created ServiceEndpointRequestHandler for the ServiceBinding [{0}], Service [{1}], BW Component [{2}], Application [{3}:{4}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202300 | {0} | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202301 | INITIATE: create BW Application [{0}] handle. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202302 | Created BW Application [{0}] handle. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202303 | INITIATE: start BW Application [{0}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202304 | Started BW Application [{0}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202309 | INITIATE: stop(Graceful) for BW Application [{0}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202310 | Stopped(Graceful) BW Application [{0}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202311 | INITIATE: stop(Forceful) BW Application [{0}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202312 | Stopped(Forceful) BW Application [{0}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202313 | INITIATE: start all ProcessStarters and ServiceBindings for BW Application [{0}:{1}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202314 | Started all ProcessStarters and ServiceBindings for BW Application [{0}:{1}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202315 | INITIATE: stop all ProcessStarters and ServiceBindings for BW Application [{0}:{1}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202316 | Stopped all ProcessStarters and ServiceBindings for BW Application [{0}:{1}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202317 | INITIATE: pause BW Application [{0}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202318 | Paused BW Application [{0}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202319 | INITIATE: resume BW Application [{0}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202320 | Resumed BW Application [{0}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202401 | INITIATE: initialize ProcessStarter activity [{0}] in Process[{1}], Module [{2}], DeploymentUnit [{3}:{4}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202402 | Initialized ProcessStarter activity [{0}] in Process[{1}], Module [{2}], DeploymentUnit [{3}:{4}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202403 | INITIATE: start ProcessStarter activity [{0}] in Process[{1}], Module [{2}], DeploymentUnit [{3}:{4}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202404 | Started ProcessStarter activity [{0}] in Process[{1}], Module [{2}], DeploymentUnit [{3}:{4}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202405 | INITIATE: stop ProcessStarter activity [{0}] in Process[{1}], Module [{2}], DeploymentUnit [{3}:{4}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202406 | Stopped ProcessStarter activity [{0}] in Process[{1}], Module [{2}], DeploymentUnit [{3}:{4}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202407 | INITIATE: destroy ProcessStarter activity [{0}] in Process[{1}], Module [{2}], DeploymentUnit [{3}:{4}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202408 | Destroyed ProcessStarter activity [{0}] in Process[{1}], Module [{2}], DeploymentUnit [{3}:{4}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202409 | INITIATE: release ProcessStarter activity [{0}] in Process[{1}], Module [{2}], DeploymentUnit [{3}:{4}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202410 | Released ProcessStarter activity [{0}] in Process[{1}], Module [{2}], DeploymentUnit [{3}:{4}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202411 | {0} | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202509 | INITIATE: release ProcessStarter activity [{0}] in Process[{1}], Module [{2}], DeploymentUnit [{3}:{4}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202510 | Released ProcessStarter activity [{0}] in Process[{1}], Module [{2}], DeploymentUnit [{3}:{4}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202511 | {0} | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202601 | INITIATE: initialize Activity [{0}] in Process[{1}], Module [{2}], DeploymentUnit [{3}:{4}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202602 | Initialized Activity [{0}] in Process[{1}], Module [{2}], DeploymentUnit [{3}:{4}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202603 | INITIATE: destroy Activity [{0}] in Process[{1}], Module [{2}], DeploymentUnit [{3}:{4}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202604 | Destroyed Activity [{0}] in Process[{1}], Module [{2}], DeploymentUnit [{3}:{4}]. | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-202605 | {0} | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-206110 | {0} | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-206111 | {0} | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-206120 | {0} | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-206121 | {0} | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-206200 | {0} | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-206210 | {0} | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-206310 | {0} | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-206311 | {0} | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-206400 | {0} | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-206410 | {0} | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-206520 | {0} | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-206521 | {0} | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-206611 | Activity input data validation details. ActivityName={0}, ProcessName={1}, Module={2}:{3}, Schema={4}, Data={5} | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-206612 | Activity output data validation details. ActivityName={0}, ProcessName={1}, Module={2}:{3}, Schema={4}, Data={5} | This is a debug message and resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-300002 | The BusinessWorks Event Publisher is disabled. | This message indicates the BW Engine is configured to disable the event publisher; therefore there will be no event published by the BW Engine. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-400001 | {0} | This is a warning message and it highlights situations that may affect the application execution. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-400004 | Activity resource release operation [com.tibco.bw.runtime.ActivityResource.release()] called at the end of the execution of the BW group or BW Process instance encountered error. The Activity resource release operation [{0}.release(boolean)] raised exception: {1} | The activity resource release operation must not raise an exception. This is considered to be an activity resource implementation error. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-400006 | CatchAll fault details formating issue. Expected [{0}], but received [{1}] | Received unexpected data when formating the CatchAll fault details. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-400010 | The BW process [{0}] instance cancelled, JobId [{1}], ProcessInstanceId [{2}], ParentProcessInstanceId [{3}], Module [{4}:{5}], Application [{6}:{7}]. | This message is generated when the BusinessWorks Engine cancels a process instance execution. A process instance can be canceled when one of the following occurs: the invoke activity (in the parent process) that called this process instance timed out, the application is stopped non gracefully or the process instance is explicitly canceled through an internal management interface. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-400102 | Unable to close the file [{0}] configured for the initial value of the {1} [{2}] in the BW Module [{3}:{4}], DeploymentUnit [{5}:{6}]; encountered exception [{7}]. | The BW Engine was unable to close the file that contains initial values for the Module or Job Shared variables. This error occurred when attempting to close the file, but after reading the file contents. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-400202 | The BW Component [{0}:{1}] is already in destroyed state. | The BW framework is attempting to destroy the BW Component that is already in destroyed state. Resolution is not applicable. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500001 | {0} | This error code is used to log BW Engine errors. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500010 | Failed to initialize BW Engine due to exception [{0}] | The BW Engine did not successfully initialize, and this could be due to many reasons. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500011 | Failed to initialize BW Engine due to database access error | The BW Engine was not able to establish connection or access the engine database instance. Ensure the database driver, connection, user name and password details are correctly specified. Also ensure database instance has been started. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500012 | Failed to initialize BW Engine due to engine group connection provider error | The BW Engine failed to establish connection with the engine group connection provider. Ensure the group connection provider entity (bw.engine.groupProvider.technology) specified in the BW AppNode or BW AppSpace configuration file has been started and accessible to the BW Engine. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500013 | Failed to initialize BW Engine due to database schema configuration error. The BW Engine database does not contain the required tables. Ensure the BW Engine database has been created with the table schemas required by the engine | The BW Engine was not able to initialize due to the engine database schema configuration error. Create a new engine database using the database scripts provided in the TIBCO BusinessWorks product and this will configure the database with the appropriate schemas required by the engine. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500014 | Failed to initialize BW Engine due to missing or incorrect engine database configuration data. The BW Engine persistence mode property [{0}] is set to [datastore] and this option requires valid engine database configuration data | The BW Engine is configured to execute in persistence mode "datastore"; however the required database configuration data was not specified. Ensure the BW Engine is configured with the required database connection details. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500015 | Failed to initialize BW Engine due to missing or incorrect engine database configuration data. The BW Engine persistence mode property [{0}] is set to [group] and this option requires valid engine database configuration data | The BW Engine is configured to execute in persistence mode "group"; however the required database configuration data was not specified. Ensure the BW Engine is configured with the required database connection details. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500016 | Failed to initialize BW Engine due to incompatible engine group name. The group name [{0}] configured for the BW Engine does not match the group name value in the BW Engine database. Try using a different engine database or change the engine group name to match the value in the database | This error can occur when the BW Engine is configured to use a group name that does not match the group name in the engine database. To resolve these issues change the engine group name to match the group name in the engine database, use a different engine database that contains the matching engine group name or create a new engine database. Furthermore if the group name is not specified then the BW Engine uses a default group name. Refer to documentation for more details on naming convention used for the default engine group name. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500017 | Failed to initialize BW Engine due to incompatible persistence mode between the engine and the engine database. This error can occur if the BW Engine is configured to execute in persistence mode [group]; however the BW Engine database is configured for the persistence mode [datastore]. Try using a different database or use a database that is configured for the persistence mode [group] | This error can occur if the engine database was previously used by a BW Engine configured to execute in persistence mode 'datastore' (bw.engine.persistenceMode=datastore). When a BW Engine uses the database for the first time, the database is updated with the engine execution persistence mode. Subsequently the persistence mode value stored in the database cannot be altered and the same database cannot be used for different engine persistence mode. To resolve this issue ensure the engine and the database persistence mode match or create a new database using the database scripts provided by the TIBCO BusinessWorks product. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500018 | Failed to initialize BW Engine due to incompatible persistence mode between engine and the engine database. This error can occur if the BW Engine is configured to execute in persistence mode [datastore]; however the engine database is configured for the persistence mode [group]. Try using a database that is configured for the persistence mode [datastore] or create a new engine database | This error can occur if the engine database was previously used by a BW Engine configured to execute in persistence mode 'group' (bw.engine.persistenceMode=group). When a BW Engine uses the database for the first time, the database is updated with the engine execution persistence mode. Subsequently the persistence mode value stored in the database cannot be altered and the same database cannot be used for different engine persistence mode. To resolve this issue ensure the engine and the database persistence mode match or create a new database using the database scripts provided by the TIBCO BusinessWorks product. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500019 | Failed to initialize BW Engine due to missing or incorrect group connection provider configuration data. The BW Engine persistence mode property [{0}] is set to [group] and this option requires valid engine group connection provider configuration data. | This error can occur if the BW Engine is configured to execute in persistence mode [group] and the engine is not correctly configured with the group connection provider data. Ensure the BW Engine is configured with the required group connection provider details. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500020 | Failed to initialize BW Engine due to incorrect engine group name. The BW Engine persistence mode property [{0}] is set to [group] and this option requires a valid engine group name specified via property [{1}]. | This error can occur if the BW Engine is configured to execute in persistence mode [group] and an empty or invalid engine group name is specified. Ensure the engine group name is not empty or contains a valid name. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500021 | Failed to initialize BW Engine. The BW Engine thread count value is configured incorrectly. Ensure the thread count value is set to an integer that is greater than zero | Ensure the BW Engine thread count is not configured to be empty or null. Furthermore the thread count value must be an integer that is greater than zero. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500022 | Failed to initialize BW Engine. The BW Engine step count value is configured incorrectly. Ensure the step count value is set to "-1" or an integer that is greater than zero | Ensure the BW Engine step count is not configured to be empty or null. Furthermore the step count value must be "-1" or an integer that is greater than zero. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500023 | Failed to initialize BW Engine. The BW Engine property [{0}] contains incorrect value [{1}]. Ensure the value is an integer that is greater than one | Ensure the specified BW Engine property is not configured to be empty or null. The value configured for this property must be an integer that is greater than zero. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500024 | Failed to initialize BW Engine. The BW Engine property [{0}] contains incorrect value [{1}]. Ensure the value is an integer that is greater than one. | Ensure the specified BW Engine property is not configured to be empty or null. The value configured for this property must be an integer that is greater than zero. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500025 | Failed to initialize BW Engine. While creating SpringApplicationContext the BW Engine encountered exception: {0}. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500026 | The ProcessStarter has not been initialized or it is in the destroyed state. The EventSourceContext associated with the ProcessStarter is invalid. | A ProcessStarter is attempting to perform an operation when it has not been initialized or it is in the destroyed state. This is considered to be a ProcessStarter implementation error. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500027 | Failed to initialize BW Engine due to exception [{0}]. This error can occur if the BW Engine persistence mode is set to [{1}] and the same database configuration is used by multiple BW Engines. When a BW Engine is configured for the persistence mode [{2}], then each BW Engine must have a unique database configuration. This is applicable even if the BW Engines (BW AppNodes) are part of the same BW AppSpace | This error can be reported when multiple BW Engines configured for 'datastore' persistence mode is attempting to use the same database configuration. Ensure different database configuration specified for each BW Engine when the persistence option is 'datastore'. This is also applicable when multiple BW Engines (BW AppNodes) are part of the same BW AppSpace. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500030 | BW Engine stop operation encountered exception [{0}] | An error was encountered when stopping the BW Engine. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500031 | BW Engine graceful stop operation encountered exception [{0}] | An error was encountered when attempting to gracefully stop the BW Engine. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500032 | Exception occurred when accessing custom XPATH function(s) associated with the BusinessWork Engine. Exception={0} | Error was encountered when attempting to access the custom XPath function associated with the BW Engine. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500033 | Failed to enable the BW Debugger entity in the BW Engine due to exception [{0}] | Error was encountered when attempting to enable the BW Debugger entity in the BW Engine. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500034 | BW Debugger connection failed, encountered exception [{0}] | Ensure valid BW Debugger connection is provided when enabling the BW Debugger entity in the BW Engine. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500035 | Unable to enable Event Publisher in the BW Engine, encountered exception [{0}] | Error was encountered when attempting to enable the Event Publisher in the BW Engine. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500036 | Attempt to disable the Event Publisher in the BW Engine, encountered exception [{0}] | Error was encountered when attempting to disable the Event Publisher in the BW Engine. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500037 | Unable to associate an activity resource with a BW group. The activity [{0}] in process [{1}] is not contained within a group; however the activity is attempting to associate a resource with a group. {2} | An activity that is not inside a group is attempting to associate a resource with a group. This error can occur due to an activity implementation error. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500038 | Unable to associate an activity resource with a BW loop. The activity [{0}] in process [{1}] is not contained within a loop; however the activity is attempting to associate a resource with a loop. {2} | An activity that is not inside a loop is attempting to associate a resource with a loop. This error can occur due to an activity implementation error. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500039 | Reference Binding configured for the process reference [{0}], in process [{1}], module [{2}] provided unsupported message data model [{3}]. | The Reference Binding configured for the process provided an invalid message data model. This error can occur due to the Reference Binding implementation error. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500040 | Invocation of the Process Reference's operation [{0}] failed. The BW Reference Binding [{1}] configured for the process reference [{2}] in process [{3}], module [{4}] returned fault [{5}]. | This error indicates the Reference Binding configured for the process reference failed and returned a fault. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500041 | Invalid activity name. The activity name [{0}] is not found in process [{1}], module [{2}:{3}], DeploymentUnit [{4}:{5}]. | The error indicates the specified activity name is not contained within the BW process. Ensure a valid activity name is specified for this operation. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500042 | The BW Debugger entity is already enabled in the BW Engine and it can not be enabled again. | The BW Debugger entity in the BW Engine can not be enabled again when it is already in enabled state. It is only possible to disable the BW Debugger entity when it is in the enabled state. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500050 | The BW process [{0}] instance faulted, JobId [{1}], ProcessInstanceId [{2}], ParentProcessInstanceId [{3}], Module [{4}:{5}], Application [{6}:{7}]. {8} | This error message indicates the process instance did not complete successfully; instead it terminated due to an error that occurred during the execution of the process instance. For more details on the process instance failure, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500051 | Activity [{0}] fault. {1} | This message indicates the potential activity that raised the fault and caused the process instance to fail. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500052 | Invoke activity [{0}] fault. {1} | This message indicates the potential invoke activity that raised the fault and caused the process instance to fail. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500053 | XSLT transformation error. {0} | This message indicates the cause of the failure could be due to a XSLT transformation error. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500054 | Activity [{0}] XSLT transformation error. {1} | This message indicates the cause of the failure could be due to an Activity XSLT transformation error. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500055 | XPATH error. {0} | This message indicates the cause of the failure could be due to a XPATH error. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500056 | Activity [{0}] XPATH error. {1} | This message indicates the cause of the failure could be due to an Activity XPATH error. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500057 | XML related error. {0} | This message indicates the cause of the failure could be due to a XML error. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500058 | Activity [{0}] XML related error. {1} | This message indicates the cause of the failure could be due to an Activity XML error. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500059 | Reply activity [{0}] error. The reply activity cannot be associated with the ProcessService request message. This error can occur if the process is implemented to send reply multiple times for the same request, the caller of this process is no longer available or on recovery from a check-point the caller did not recover because it was not part of the check-pointed job. {1} | This error message is reported when a process is implemented to execute more than one Reply activity for the same operation, the caller of this process (Service Binding, Parent Process) has terminated before Reply activity can be executed or on recovery from a check-point the Reply activity is executed but the caller of this process did not recover because it was not part of the check-pointed job. Ensure the process is not implemented to reply to same request multiple times. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500060 | The process instance terminated without replying to the caller of this process. {0} | This message is reported when a process instance terminates without replying to the request of a ProcessService operation. This can occur if the process is implemented incorrectly to end the process execution without performing a reply operation or when the process instance is canceled. Ensure the process in implemented correctly and there is no validation errors. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500061 | Reply activity [{0}] error. The reply activity [{1}] encountered error on sending the response to the caller of this process. This error can occur if the caller of this process raised a fault when processing the reply message, the caller of this process is no longer available. {2} | This error message can be reported for the following reasons: the caller of this process (Service Binding, Parent Process) raised a fault when processing the reply message, the caller of this process is no longer available. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500063 | {0} | This message provides information for the process instance failure. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500064 | Activity [{0}] error. {1} | This message indicates the potential activity that raised the fault and caused the process instance to fail. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500065 | Throw activity [{0}] fault. Fault: {1} | This message indicates the name of the Throw activity that raised the fault and caused the process instance to fail. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500066 | Invoke activity faulted due an error from the invoked subprocess. {0} | This message indicates the Invoke activity failed due to an unexpected error received for the invoked subprocess. This error can occur if the subprocess terminated without replying, the subprocess faulted, the invoked subprocess does not exist, etc. Ensure the invoked subprocess is implemented correctly and confirms to the invoked operation contract. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500067 | Activity [{0}] faulted due to an object serialization error. This error can occur if an object that must be serialized as part of the BusinessWorks process execution is not Serializable or the Java package that contains the class is not exported correctly. {1} | This error can occur when the BW Engine is attempting to serialize a Java object to support the persistence feature and the object cannot be serialized. Ensure the Java object is Serializable and the Java package that contains the class is exported. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500068 | Fault occurred due to an object serialization error. This error can occur if the Java class that must be serialized as part of the BusinessWorks process execution is not Serializable or the Java package that contains the class is not exported correctly. {0} | This error can occur when the BW Engine is attempting to serialize a Java object to support the persistence feature; however the Java object cannot be serialized. Ensure the Java object is Serializable and the Java package that contains the class is exported. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500089 | Failed to confirm the request message from the receive activity [{0}], in process [{1}], module [{2}:{3}], application [{4}:{5}]. This error can occur if the process is implemented to confirm multiple times for the same request message, the caller of this process is no longer available, on recovery from a check-point the caller did not recover because it was not part of the check-pointed job or the specified receive activity name is incorrect. | This error message can be reported for the following reasons: the process is implemented to execute more than one confirm activity for the same request, the caller of this process instance (Service Binding, Parent process) has terminated before the confirm activity can be executed or on recovery from a check-point the confirm activity is executed; however the caller of this process did not recover because it was not part of the check-pointed job. Ensure the process is not implemented to confirm to same request for multiple times or the activity name configured in the confirm activity is correct. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500090 | The reply operation [com.tibco.bw.runtime.EventContext.reply(..)] is not supported for the activity [{0}], in process [{1}], module [{2}:{3}], application [{4}:{5}]. | The operation [com.tibco.bw.runtime.EventContext.reply(..)] is not allowed for the specified activity and this is an implementation error. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500091 | Invalid argument value. The BW Application name cannot be null. | The BusinessWorks Application specified for this operation can not be null or empty. Ensure valid application name is specified for this operation. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500092 | Unable to get BW Process instances information for the BW Application [{0}] due to exception [{1}]. | Error occurred when obtaining the process instance details for the specified BusinessWorks application. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500093 | Unable to get BW Process instance information for the BW ProcessIntanceId [{0}] due to exception [{1}]. | Error occurred when obtaining the process instance details for the specified BusinessWorks ProcessIntanceId. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500094 | Unable to get BW Process instance summary information for the BW ProcessIntanceId [{0}] due to exception [{1}]. | Error occurred when obtaining the process instance details for the specified BusinessWorks ProcessIntanceId. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500095 | Failed to suspend the BW Process instance for the BW ProcessIntanceId [{0}] due to exception [{1}]. | Error occurred when attempting to suspend the process instance for the specified BusinessWorks ProcessIntanceId. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500096 | Failed to resume the BW Process instance for the BW ProcessIntanceId [{0}] due to exception [{1}]. | Error occurred when attempting to resume the process instance for the specified BusinessWorks ProcessIntanceId. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500097 | Failed to cancel the BW Process instance for the BW ProcessIntanceId [{0}] due to exception [{1}]. | Error occurred when attempting to cancel the process instance for the specified BusinessWorks ProcessIntanceId. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500098 | BW AppNode name [{0}] exceeds 250 characters and it is possible to create the internal engine alias name. | BW AppNode name exceeds 250 characters this is not possible create unique engine name. Ensure AppNode name is less than 250 characters. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500102 | Failed to install BW Module [{0}:{1}], DeploymentUnit [{2}:{3}] | The BW Module did not get installed in the BW Engine, and this could be due to many reasons. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500104 | Encountered error(s) on release-resource operation for the BW Module [{0}:{1}], DeploymentUnit [{2}:{3}] | The BW Engine encountered error(s) when releasing resources associated with the BW Module and this could be due to many reasons. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500106 | Encountered error(s) when un-deploying the BW Module [{0}:{1}], DeploymentUnit [{2}:{3}] | The BW Engine encountered error(s) when un-deploying the BW Module and this could be due to many reasons. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500110 | Failed to install BW Module [{0}:{1}], DeploymentUnit [{2}:{3}]. The module or a process is configured to utilize the BW Engine persistence feature; however the BW Engine is not configured with a correct engine persistence mode. Ensure the BW Engine is configured for the engine persistence mode [datastore] or [group] before installing this module. | The BW Module or the process is using a persistence feature, module shared variable with persistence option, etc..; however the BW Engine persistence mode is not set appropriately for this feature. Ensure the BW Engine persistence mode (bw.engine.persistenceMode) is set to "datastore" or "group" and the required engine database configuration is specified. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500112 | Failed to start BW Module due to an activity start error. CausedBy | This error is reported when the BW Activity in the process fails to initialize and start. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500117 | Unable to obtain SchemaComponentCache (Namespace={0}, Location={1}, BaseURI={2}) for BW Module [{3}:{4}] due to exception [{5}] | Failed to obtain SchemaComponentCache for the schema required by the BW Module and this could be due to many reasons. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500118 | Unable to add schema to SchemaComponentCache (Namespace={0}, Location={1}) due to exception [{2}] | Failed to add schema required by the BW Module to SchemaComponentCache and this could be due to many reasons. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500119 | Unable to obtain WSDL ModuleCache (Namespace={0}, Location={1}) for BW Module [{2}:{3}]. The WSDLCacheService operation [{4}] returned "null". | Failed to get the WSDL ModuleCache required by the BW Module. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500121 | Unable to obtain WSDL ModuleCache (Namespace={0}, Location={1}) for BW Module [{2}:{3}]. The WSDLCacheService operation [{4}] returned "null". | Failed to get the WSDL ModuleCache for the WSDL required by the BW Module. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500122 | Unable to obtain WSDL ModuleCache (Namespace={0}, Location={1}) for BW Module [{2}:{3}]. The WSDLCacheService operation [{4}] returned exception [{5}] | Failed to get the WSDL ModuleCache for the WSDL required by the BW Module and this could be due to many reasons. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500123 | Unable to resolve Schema (Namespace={0}, Location={1}, BaseURI={2}) for BW Module [{3}:{4}]. The SchemaCacheService operation [{5}] returned "null". | Failed to resolve the schema required by the BW Module. Ensure the schema is valid, the schemas imported/referenced by this schema are valid, the schemaLocation of the schemas imported by this schema is valid,.. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500131 | Invalid or empty file name is specified for the initial value of the {0} [{1}] in BW Module [{2}:{3}], DeploymentUnit [{4}:{5}]. | The module shared variable or the job shared variable contains incorrect value or is empty. Ensure the module or the job shared variable has been initialized or assigned with a correct value. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500132 | The file [{0}] configured for the initial value of the {1} [{2}] is not found in BW Module [{3}:{4}], DeploymentUnit [{5}:{6}]. | The module shared variable or the job shared variable has been initialized with a file URL that is not found in the BW Module. Ensure the specified file name is valid or the file is contained within the BW Module. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500133 | Unable to access the file [{0}] configured for the initial value of the {1} [{2}] in BW Module [{3}:{4}], DeploymentUnit [{5}:{6}]; encountered exception [{7}]. | Failed to access the file specified in the module or job shared variable and this could be due to many reasons. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500134 | Unable to open the file [{0}] configured for the initial value of the {1} [{2}] in BW Module [{3}:{4}], DeploymentUnit [{5}:{6}]; encountered exception [{7}]. | Failed to open the file specified in the module or job shared variable and this could be due to many reasons. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500135 | Unable to read the file [{0}] configured for the initial value of the {1} [{2}] in BW Module [{3}:{4}], DeploymentUnit [{5}:{6}]; encountered exception [{7}]. | Failed to read the file specified in the module or job shared variable and this could be due to many reasons. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500136 | The contents of the file [{0}] configured for the initial value of the {1} [{2}] in BW Module [{3}:{4}], DeploymentUnit [{5}:{6}] is empty. | Ensure the file specified for the module or job shared variable is not empty. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500141 | Invalid BW Module property. The module property [{0}] is not defined in the BW Module [{1}:{2}], DeploymentUnit [{3}:{4}]. Therefore the XPath function "getModuleProperty({5})" contained in the XSLT is not able to resolve this module property. | Ensure the module property correctly defined in the BW Module. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500142 | Unable to resolve the BW Module property [{0}] defined in the BW Module [{1}:{2}], DeploymentUnit [{3}:{4}] via the XPath function "getModuleProperty({5})" contained in the XSLT. Encountered exception [{6}]. | Ensure the module property correctly defined in the BW Module. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500143 | Failed to create Binding ReferenceEndpoint for the process reference [{0}] in process [{1}], module [{2}:{3}], DeploymentUnit [{4}:{5}]; encountered exception [{6}] | Encountered errors when creating the binding endpoint for the BW process reference and and this could be due to many reasons. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500144 | Failed to obtain module properties for the module [{0}:{1}], DeploymentUnit [{2}:{3}]; encountered exception [{4}] | BW framework layer encountered errors when accessing module properties for the specified BW Module. Contact TIBCO Support. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500145 | Unable to obtain WSDL Interface details for the PortType [{0}], that is associated with the BW Module [{1}:{2}]. Encountered exception [{3}] | Error occurred when attempting to obtain WSDL details for the specified PortType, and this could be due to many reasons. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500202 | Failed to install BW Component [{0}], Application [{1}:{2}] | The BW Component did not get installed in the BW Engine, and this could be due to many reasons. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500203 | Failed to install BW Component [{0}], Application [{1}:{2}]. The application is configured with Job PageThreshold property [bw.application.job.pageThreshold.*]; however the BW Engine is not configured with a correct engine persistence mode. Ensure the BW Engine is configured for the engine persistence mode [datastore] or [group] before installing this application. | The BusinessWorks application or the component in the application is configured to use the Job PageThreshold property [bw.application.job.pageThreshold.*] and this requires the BW Engine to be configured for the "datastore" or "group" persistence mode. Stop the BusinessWorks AppSpace, configure the BW Engine for the engine persistence mode [datastore] or [group] and restart the AppSpace before installing the application. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500210 | Encountered error(s) on release-resource operation for the BW Component [{0}], Application [{1}:{2}] | Error occurred when releasing the resources associated with the BW Component, and this could be due to many reasons. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500211 | Encountered error(s) when un-deploying the BW Component [{0}], Application [{1}:{2}] | Error occurred when un-deploying the BW Component and this could be due to many reasons. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500212 | Failed to initialize BW Component [{0}], Application [{1}:{2}] | Error occurred when initializing the BW Component and this could be due to many reasons. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500213 | Failed to initialize BW Component [{0}], Application [{1}:{2}] due to activity creation error | Error occurred when creating an instance of an activity that is associated with the BW Component; therefore the BW Component can not be initialized. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500214 | Failed to initialize BW Component [{0}], Application [{1}:{2}] due to activity or resource configuration error | There is a configuration error in the activity or resource that is associated with the BW Component; therefore the BW Component can not be initialized. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500230 | Failed to initialize BW Component [{0}], Application [{1}:{2}] due to activity implementation error | There are implementation errors in the activity that is associated with the BW Component; therefore the BW Component can not be initialized. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500232 | Failed to initialize BW Component [{0}], Application [{1}:{2}] due to activity initialization error | Error occurred when initializing an activity that is associated with the BW Component; therefore the BW Component can not be initialized. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500238 | Encountered error when destroying the BW Component [{0}] | Error occurred when destroying or deleting the BW Component and this could be due to many reasons. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500240 | Encountered errors when destroying the BW Component [{0}] | Error occurred when destroying or deleting the BW Component and this could be due to many reasons. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500242 | Failed to start BW Component [{0}], Application [{1}:{2}] | Error occurred when starting the BW Component and this could be due to many reasons. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500246 | Encountered error(s) when stopping the BW Component [{0}], Application [{1}:{2}] | Error occurred when stopping the BW Component and this could be due to many reasons. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500248 | Encountered error(s) when starting the ProcessStarter associated with the BW Component [{0}], Application [{1}:{2}] | Error occurred when starting the ProcessStarter activity that is associated with the BW Component. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500250 | Encountered error(s) when stopping the ProcessStarter associated with the BW Component [{0}], Application [{1}:{2}] | Error occurred when stopping the ProcessStarter activity that is associated with the BW Component. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500252 | Failed to start ServiceBinding [{0}] for the BW Component [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to ServiceBinding lifecycle error | Error occurred when starting the ServiceBinding that is associated with the BW Component. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500254 | Unable to stop ServiceBinding [{0}] for the BW Component [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to ServiceBinding lifecycle error | Error occurred when stopping the ServiceBinding that is associated with the BW Component. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500256 | The job flow limit property [{0}] for the application or the component is configured incorrectly. Ensure the job flow limit property value is set to an integer that is greater than zero. | The BW application or component's job flow limit property is configured with an incorrect value. The job flow limit property value must be an integer that is greater than zero. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500258 | The job priority property [{0}] for the application or the component is configured incorrectly. Ensure the job priority property value is set to "low", "normal" or "high". | The BW application or component's job priority property is configured with an incorrect value. The job priority property can only be configured with the string value "low", "normal" or "high". |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500262 | The property to enable activity input validation for the application or the component is configured incorrectly. Ensure properties that are prefixed with [{0}] are set with value "true" or "false". | The property that is used to determine the enabling of the activity output validation for the application or the component is configured with an incorrect value. This property can only be configured with the string value "true" or "false". |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500264 | The property to enable activity output validation for the application or the component is configured incorrectly. Ensure properties that are prefixed with [{0}] are set with value "true" or "false". | |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500265 | The property that specifies the async activity default wait time is configured incorrectly. Ensure the property [{0}] or the properties prefixed with [{1}] are configured with a zero or positive numeric value | The property that specifies the default wait time (timeout) value for an asynchronous activity is configured incorrectly. The value for this property must be a zero or positive number. This property can be configured the AppSpace/AppNode configuration file 'config.ini' |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500302 | Failed to start BW Application [{0}] due to exception [{1}] | The BW Application did not start and this could be due to many reasons. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500304 | Failed to start BW Application [{0}:{1}] due to an activity error | Error occurred in an activity that is associated with the BW Application; therefore the BW Application did not start. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500306 | Encountered error when attempting to gracefully stop BW Application [{0}:{1}] | Error occurred when attempting to gracefully stop the BW Application and this could be due to many reasons. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500307 | The BW Application [{0}:{1}] is already in stopping state. Unable to perform operation "stopApplicationGraceful" | The BW Application is already in stopped state; therefore it can not be stopped again. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500308 | Encountered error when attempting to stop BW Application [{0}:{1}] | Error occurred when attempting to stop the BW Application and this could be due to many reasons. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500310 | Encountered errors when attempting to stop BW Application [{0}:{1}] | |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500312 | Unable to start ServiceBinding(s) or ProcessStarter(s) associated with the BW Application [{0}:{1}] | Error occurred when attempting to start the ServiceBinding(s) or ProcessStarter(s) activity that is associated with the BW Application. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500314 | Unable to stop ServiceBinding(s) or ProcessStarter(s) associated with the BW Application [{0}:{1}] | Error occurred when attempting to stop the ServiceBinding(s) or ProcessStarter(s) activity that is associated with the BW Application. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500316 | Encountered error when attempting to pause BW Application [{0}:{1}] job(s) | Error occurred when attempting to resume the BW Application. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500318 | Encountered error when attempting to resume BW Application [{0}:{1}] job(s) | |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500402 | Failed to create the ProcessStarter activity [{0}] in process [{1}], module [{2}] due to exception [{3}] | Error occurred when attempting to create an instance of the ProcessStarter activity in a process. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500404 | Failed to create the ProcessStarter activity [{0}] in process [{1}], module [{2}] due to unexpected exception [{3}] | Unexpected error occurred when attempting to create an instance of the ProcessStarter activity in a process. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500406 | Failed to initialize the ProcessStarter activity [{0}] in process [{1}], module [{2}] due to activity lifecycle error | Error occurred when attempting to initialize an instance of the ProcessStarter activity in a process. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500408 | Failed to initialize the ProcessStarter activity [{0}] in process [{1}], module [{2}] due to unexpected activity lifecycle error | Unexpected error occurred when attempting to initialize an instance of the ProcessStarter activity in a process. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500410 | Failed to start the ProcessStarter activity [{0}] in process [{1}], module [{2}] due to activity lifecycle error | Error occurred when attempting to start the ProcessStarter activity in a process. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500412 | Failed to start the ProcessStarter activity [{0}] in process [{1}], module [{2}] due to unexpected activity lifecycle error | Unexpected error occurred when attempting to start the ProcessStarter activity in a process. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500414 | The stop operation for the ProcessStarter activity [{0}] in process [{1}], module [{2}] failed with unexpected exception [{3}] | Unexpected error occurred when attempting to stop the ProcessStarter activity in a process. The ProcessStarter activity stop operation "com.tibco.bw.runtime.EventSource.stop()" failed and returned unexpected exception. The ProcessStarter stop operation must not raise a fault and it is considered to be a ProcessStarter activity implementation error. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500416 | The destroy operation for the ProcessStarter activity [{0}] in process [{1}], module [{2}] failed with unexpected exception [{3}] | Unexpected error occurred when attempting to destroy the ProcessStarter activity in a process. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500418 | The release operation for the ProcessStarter activity [{0}] in process [{1}], module [{2}] failed with unexpected exception [{3}] | Unexpected error occurred when attempting to release resources for the ProcessStarter activity in a process. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500420 | Failed to process the event from the ProcessStarter activity [{0}] | BWEngine failed to process the new events from the ProcessStarter activity. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500422 | Failed to execute event from the ProcessStarter activity due to activity output data validation error. The output data from ProcessStarter activity [{0}] does not conform to the ProcessStarter activity output schema. Validation error details: {1}. | This error message is reported when the output data generated by the ProcessStarter activity does not comply with the output schema of the ProcessStarter activity. This error can occur if ProcessStarter activity is not implemented correctly to generate the valid output data. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500424 | The BWEngine is unable accept new events from the ProcessStarter activity [{0}], in process [{1}], module [{2}] since the ProcessStarter is in the stopped sate. When the ProcessStarter is in the stopped state, the BWEngine will not accept new events. | The ProcessStarter generated new events when it is in the stopped state. A ProcessStarter must not generate new events during the stopped state and it will be considered as ProcessStarter activity implementation error. The ProcessStarter is in the stopped state once the BWEngine invokes the ProcessStarter operation "com.tibco.bw.runtime.EventSource.stop" or before the invocation of the ProcessStarter operation "com.tibco.bw.runtime.EventSource.start". |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500602 | The model or the runtime class for the activity [{0}] in process [{1}], module [{2}] is implemented incorrectly. The activity model class [{3}] does not contain the configuration property [{4}] as defined in the annotation for the member variable [{5}] declared in the activity runtime class [{6}]. | This error message is generated if the BW activity is not implemented correctly. Ensure the BW activity model class contains the required attribute or property. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500603 | The model or the runtime class for the activity [{0}] in process [{1}], module [{2}] is implemented incorrectly. The activity model [{3}] does not contain the attribute [{4}] as defined in the annotation for the member variable [{5}] declared in the activity runtime class [{6}]. The attribute must be one of the following that is specified in the activity model [{7}] | |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500604 | The model or runtime class for the activity [{0}] in process [{1}], module [{2}] is implemented incorrectly. The activity model class [{3}] associated with the activity runtime class [{4}] has a configuration property which is of unsupported data type. The activity configuration property data type [{5}] is not supported. | This error message is generated if the BW activity is not implemented correctly. Ensure the BW activity model class contains the property of a supported data type. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500605 | The model or runtime class for the activity [{0}] in process [{1}], module [{2}] is implemented incorrectly. Unable to set member variable [{3}] declared in the activity runtime class [{4}]. Encountered exception [{5}]. | This error message is generated if the BW activity is not implemented correctly. Ensure the BW activity runtime class member variable is defined correctly. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500606 | The resource specified for the process property [{0}] in process [{1}], module [{2}] is not available in the runtime environment. This process property is used by the activity [{3}] in process [{4}]. Ensure the resource is configured and installed correctly. | A resource assigned to the process property is not accessible or resolvable at runtime. Ensure the process property is configured correctly and the required resource is resolvable at runtime. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500607 | The process property [{0}] in process [{1}], module [{2}] has an incorrect value [{3}]. This process property is used by the activity [{4}] in process [{5}]. For DateTime, ensure the value has the format [{6}]. | The process property is configured with a incorrect value. Ensure the process property is configured correctly, specially for a DateTime data type. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500608 | The resource obtained from the framework for the process property [{0}] in process [{1}], module [{2}] is not compatible with the data type of the process property. Encountered exception [{3}]. | The value assigned to the process property did resolve to the data type excepted by the process property . Ensure the process property contains the correct value or the module property assigned to the process property is contains the correct value. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500610 | One or more required fields of the activity [{0}] in process [{1}], module [{2}] is not configured correctly. Ensure the required fields of the activity contains valid data. | The activity is not configured correctly. Ensure the all required fields for the activity at design time are populated correctly. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500612 | Failed to create the activity [{0}] in process [{1}], module [{2}] due to exception [{3}] | Unexpected error occurred when attempting to create an instance of an activity. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500614 | Failed to create the activity [{0}] in process [{1}], module [{2}] due to unexpected exception [{3}] | |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500616 | Failed to initialize the activity [{0}] in process [{1}], module [{2}] due to activity lifecycle error | Error occurred when attempting to initialize an instance of an activity. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500618 | Failed to initialize the activity [{0}] in process [{1}], module [{2}] due to unexpected activity lifecycle error | Unexpected error occurred when attempting to initialize an instance of an activity. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500620 | The execute operation for the activity [{0}] in process [{1}] failed with unexpected exception [{2}] | The activity execution failed and raised an unexpected exception. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500622 | The post-execute operation for the asynchronous activity [{0}] in process [{1}] failed with unexpected exception [{2}] | The post-execute operation for an asynchronous activity failed and raised an unexpected exception. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500624 | The cancel operation for the activity [{0}] in process [{1}], module [{2}] failed with unexpected exception [{3}] | The cancel operation for an asynchronous activity failed and raised an unexpected exception. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500626 | BWEngine was unable to execute cancel operation for the activity [{1}] in process [{2}], module [{3}] due to exception [{4}] | BWEngine encountered error when attempting to execute cancel operation for the activity. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500628 | The destroy operation for the activity [{0}] in process [{1}], module [{2}] failed with unexpected exception [{3}] | The destroy operation for an activity failed and raised an unexpected exception. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500630 | The process property [{0}] is not defined in the BW Process [{1}] | Unable to resolve the specified process property. Ensure this process property is correctly defined in the BW Process. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500631 | The process property [{0}] has not been registered with the activity context or the event source context. | The specified process property has not been correctly registered with the activity context. This error can occur if the BW activity is not implemented correctly to register the process property via method [com.tibco.bw.runtime.ActivityContext.registerProcessProperty]. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500632 | Failed to resolve process property [{0}] from the BW Process [{1}] | Failed to resolve the specified process property. Ensure the specified process property is defined in the process. For more details, refer to the additional exception message in the cause. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500633 | The module property [{0}] is not defined in the BW Module [{1}:{2}] | Unable to resolve the specified module property. Ensure this module property is correctly defined in the BW Module. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500634 | The module property [{0}] has not been registered with the activity context or the event source context. | The specified module property has not been correctly registered with the activity context. This error can occur if the BW activity is not implemented correctly to register the module property via method [com.tibco.bw.runtime.ActivityContext.registerModuleProperty]. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500635 | Failed to resolve module property [{0}] from the BW Module [{1}:{2}] | Failed to resolve the specified module property. Ensure the specified module property is defined in the module. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500636 | Activity [{0}] timed out. | The activity wait or execution time has exceeded the timeout value specified for the activity. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500638 | Activity input data validation error. The input data for activity [{0}] in process [{1}], module [{2}] does not conform to the activity input schema. {3} {4} | This error message is reported when the data that is provided as an input to the activity does not comply with the input schema of the activity. This error can occur if the previous activity in the process generated incorrect data or the activity input XSLT transformation generated data that does not comply with the input schema of the activity. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500640 | Activity output data validation error. The output data from activity [{0}] in process [{1}], module [{2}] does not conform to the activity output schema. {3} {4} | This error message is reported when the output data generated by the activity does not comply with the output schema of the activity. Some activities can generate in-compliant output if it receives incorrect data from the external entity it is interacting. In these scenarios, ensure the external entity provides or returns the correct data excepted by the activity. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500641 | Activity input/output data validation error. The input/output data for activity [{0}] in process [{1}], module [{2}] does not conform to the activity input/output schema. {3} {4} | This error message is reported when the data that is provided as an input to the activity or the output data generated by the activity does not comply with the output schema of the activity. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500642 | Unable to obtain activity input data. The BW Engine has not been initialized or started. | This error message is reported when an entity such as the event subscriber attempts to obtain an activity input data before the BW Engine has been initialized or started. Ensure the BW Engine has started before performing this operation. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500643 | Unable to obtain activity input data. The specified ActivityEvent object is invalid, the ActivityEvent can not be null. | This error message is reported when an entity such as the event subscriber attempts to obtain an activity input data; however the specified ActivityEvent (com.tibco.bw.runtime.event.ActivityAuditEvent) object is invalid or null. Ensure the ActivityEvent object is valid. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500644 | Unable to obtain activity input data due to exception [{0}] | Unexpected error occurred when an entity such as the event subscriber is attempting to obtain activity input data. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500645 | Unable to obtain activity output data. The BW Engine has not been initialized or started. | This error message is reported when an entity such as the event subscriber attempts to obtain an activity output data before the BW Engine has been initialized or started. Ensure the BW Engine has started before performing this operation. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500646 | Unable to obtain activity output data. The specified ActivityEvent object is invalid, the ActivityEvent can not be null. | This error message is reported when an entity such as the event subscriber attempts to obtain an activity output data; however the specified ActivityEvent (com.tibco.bw.runtime.event.ActivityAuditEvent) object is invalid or null. Ensure the ActivityEvent object is valid. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500647 | Unable to obtain activity output data due to exception [{0}] | Unexpected error occurred when an entity such as the event subscriber is attempting to obtain activity output data. For more details, refer to the additional exception message or the "CausedBy" statements reported as part of this error message. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500648 | Unable to obtain XPath functions associated with the BusinessWork Activity, encountered exception [{0}] | Error was encountered when attempting to obtain the list of XPath functions associated with the BW Activity. |
TIBCO-BW-CORE-500705 | Unable to find process information for process [{0}] in module ModuleName={1}, ModuleVersion={2}. | BWEngine is not able to obtain process information for the specified BW process. Ensure the BW Module contains the required process. |
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