Application Monitoring Overview

You can run the monitoring component of TIBCO BusinessWorks™ Container Edition on the same container platform where TIBCO BusinessWorks Container Edition applications are running. TIBCO BusinessWorks Container Edition applications can be registered with monitoring application to view application metrics.

When BWCE application registration fails at container startup because of unhealthy monitoring container, the monitoring register mechanism is implemented. To configure monitoring register mechanism, the following properties are used as environment variable:
  • BW_APP_MON_REGISTER_DELAY(ms) (Default: 5000)

Once the retry count exhausts, the monitoring application does not register and user needs to restart the container.

To change log levels in application monitoring the following log level is used:

Property name: LOG_LEVEL

For example,
  • LOG_LEVEL="debug"
  • LOG_LEVEL="error"
  • LOG_LEVEL="warning"
  • LOG_LEVEL="info"

Health check for monitoring application is verified using the following API: http://host:port/api/v1/monitor/health.

If the monitoring container is healthy it returns 200K, else the returned response is 500 Internal Server Error.

When the monitoring services fails to connect to the database at container startup due to database unavailability, the connection retry mechanism is implemented. To configure database retry mechanism, the following properties are used as environment variable:
  • DB_RETRY_COUNT : default set to 10
  • DB_RETRY_INTERVAL : default set to 10000 ms.

Once the retry count exhausts, the monitoring application crashes automatically.

When a TIBCO BusinessWorks Container Edition application on Cloud Foundry takes time to generate an accessible routing URL, which causes registration failure at container startup, the retry mechanism is implemented for retrying the routing URL accessibility. To configure this retry mechanism, the following properties are used as environment variable:
  • ROUTING_ACCESSIBILITY_DELAY(ms)(default : 6000)

Once the retry mechanism exhausts, the TIBCO BusinessWorks Container Edition container application does not register with monitoring application and user needs to restart the container with higher values.

A new boolean environment variable, VALIDATE_DB_URL is added to skip DB_URL validation. The default value for the environment variable is True. If you want to use the DB_URL in any format other than its default format [DBTYPE]://[UserName]:[Password]@[machineName]:[PORT]/[DBNAME], set the VALIDATE_DB_URL environment variable to False. If it is set to False, all the DB_URL validation is skipped.