Creating Process Diagrams Explicitly
Process design diagrams are not created in EAR files generated from third-party tools. In such cases, process design diagrams can be created from TIBCO Business Studio™ for BusinessWorks™ or from the command-line interface.
TIBCO Business Studio™ for BusinessWorks™
- Navigate to Windows > Preferences > BusinessWorks > Process Diagram and select the Enable generation of process diagrams check box.
- Navigate to Project Explorer, right-click the application name, and select the Generate Process Diagram option.
- Expand your application and navigate to the
Resources folder.
The Resources folder contains the Diagrams folder which contains the process diagrams for all the processes in the application module and all the related shared modules.
When the application is deployed, the design diagrams that are generated are included in the EAR file and can be viewed from the Admin UI.
Command line
- Navigate to the bin folder and open the command prompt application.
- At the command prompt, run the following command
bwdesign.exe -data pathOFWorkspace For example bwdesign.exe -data D:\BW_Temp_Wrkspace\BW6.x\V.x
- Run the command, gen_diagrams where the first argument is the name of the application and the second argument is the path where the diagram is to be exported. The second argument is optional. For example, gen_diagrams TestingProcessDiagram.application
- Deploy the application after the process diagram is generated.
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