SOAP Binding Error Codes
This section describes the error messages that can be reported by the SOAP Binding.
Error Codes | Error Message | Error Resolution |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-001010 | SOAP BindingFactory is initialized with incorrect BindingConfiguration for the SOAP Service Binding. | This is a internal resolution message. Resolution not required. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-001020 | Failed to obtain HTTP Connector resource for SoapServiceBinding [{0}], Application [{1}:{2}] | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO support. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-001030 | Failed to obtain HTTP Connector resource for SoapServiceBinding [{0}], Application [{1}:{2}] | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO support. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-001031 | SOAP BindingFactory is initialized with incorrect BindingConfiguration for the SOAP Reference Binding. | This is a internal resolution message. Resolution not required. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-001040 | Failed to parse binding meta data file [{0}] in bundle [{1}] due to exception [{2}]. | Ensure that the xml file contents are valid and well formed. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-001050 | Failed to process File [{0}] in bundle [{1}]. BindingName is not specified. | Ensure that the 'name' attribute of the service element contains a unique Binding Name. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-001060 | Failed to process File [{0}] in bundle [{1}]. A Binding with name [{2}] is already registered. | Ensure that Binding Name of the SOAP Interceptor is unique and it does not match with any Binding Name (service/reference) in the Application Module |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-001070 | Failed to deploy the SOAP Interceptor Module [{0}], due to exception [{1}]. Root exception message is [{2}]. | Ensure that the SOAP Interceptor deployed follows the Axis2 Module protocol. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-001080 | Failed to initialize SOAP Binding. Binding Name is not specified. | BW_SOAP_BINDING_NAME_MISSING_ERROR.resolution = Make sure all Bindings in the application Module have a Name. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-001081 | Failed to initialize SOAP Binding. Binding Name is not specified for port [{0}]. | Make sure the Binding in the application Module has a Name. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-001090 | Failed to initialize SOAP Binding. Application Name is not available. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO support. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-001100 | Failed to initialize SOAP Binding. Application Version is not available. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO support. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-001130 | Failed to locate WSDL definition for port type [{0}]. | Ensure that the a WSDL exist with port type [{0}] in the application module. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-001140 | MEP [{0}] is not supported. Review the WSDL definition for Port type [{1}]. | Ensure that the MEP definition for Port type [{1}] is either IN-OUT OR IN-ONLY |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-001150 | Failed to recognize the MEP for Port type [{0}]. | Ensure that the MEP definition for Port type [{0}] is either IN-OUT OR IN-ONLY |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-001160 | Failed to find message receiver for MEP [{0}] for port type [{1}]. | Ensure that the MEP definition for Port type [{1}] is either IN-OUT OR IN-ONLY |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-001170 | SOAP Binding [{1}] for portType [{0}] is missing Transport Configuration. | Ensure that the SOAP Binding [{1}] for port type [{0}] is configured with a Transport. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-001180 | Operation Configuration for Operation [{0}], Port Type [{1}], SOAP Binding [{2}] is missing. Ensure that SOAP Binding [{2}] is in sync with WSDL | Ensure that SOAP Binding [{2}] is in sync with WSDL. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-001110 | Failed to initialize SOAP Service Binding [{0}]. Promoted Name for the Binding is missing. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO support. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-001120 | Failed to initialize SOAP Reference Binding [{0}]. Promoted Name for the Binding is missing. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO support. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-001130 | Failed to load WSDL definition for namespace [{0}]. | Make sure the WSDL with namespace [{0}] exists in the application module. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-500009 | Malformed MIME Message received. Failed to parse the attachments in the received message for Operation [{0}], SoapBinding [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}]. Ignoring the attachments from the SOAP Message. | Ensure that the MIME Message is well formed with correct mime boundaries. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-500010 | Failed to create SoapServiceBinding [{0}], Application [{1}:{2}] due to exception [{3}] | This is a internal resolution message. Resolution not required. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-500011 | Unable to parse model version of the SOAP Binding. | Ensure the SOAP Model version in .bwm file is of format [0-9].[0-9].[0-9] |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-500020 | Failed to initialize SoapServiceBinding [{0}], Application [{1}:{2}] due to exception [{3}] | Ensure that the configuration and context mapping. if any, done on SoapServiceBinding [{0}] are correct. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-500030 | Failed to add transport dependency for SoapServiceBinding [{0}], Application [{1}:{2}] | Ensure that the SoapServiceBinding [{0}] is configured with a Shared Transport Resource. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-500040 | Failed to initialize SoapServiceBinding [{0}]. A Service Endpoint URI [{1}] is already registered | Ensure that each SOAP/HTTP service has unique URL. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-500050 | Failed to initialize SoapServiceBinding [{0}]. The operation [{1}] with soapaction [{2}] is already registered for destination [{3}] with Message Style [{4}]. | Ensure that the combination of "Soap Action" and "MessageStyle:Destination" should be unique. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-500060 | Failed to send SOAP Fault message to the consumer of the service for Operation [{0}], SoapServiceBinding [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception [{4}]. Root Exception message: {5} | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO support. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-500070 | Failed to process Reply message for Operation [{0}], SoapServiceBinding [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception [{4}]. Sending Undeclared Fault message to the consumer of this service. Root Exception message: [{5}] | Ensure that the Binding configuration and Context Configuration, if any, done on SoapServiceBinding [{1}] are correct. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-500080 | Error occurred while processing Service Request messages Context Information for Operation [{0}], SoapServiceBinding [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception [{4}]. Root Exception message: {5} | Ensure that the Context Mapping done on SoapServiceBinding [{1}] are correct. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-500090 | Error occurred while processing Service Request message for Operation [{0}], SoapServiceBinding [{1}], Application [{2}]:{3}] due to exception [{4}]. Root Exception message: {5} | Ensure that the Message part configuration and header configuration, if any, done on SoapServiceBinding [{1}] are correct. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-500100 | Error occurred while processing Service Request message for Operation [{0}], SoapServiceBinding [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception [{4}]. Sending Undeclared Fault message to the consumer of this service. Root Exception message: {5} | Ensure that the Message part configuration and header configuration, if any, done on SoapServiceBinding [{1}] are correct. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-500105 | Error occurred while processing Service Request message for Operation [{0}], SoapServiceBinding [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception [{4}].Root Exception message: {5} | Ensure that the Message part configuration and header configuration, if any, done on SoapServiceBinding [{1}] are correct. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-500110 | Failed to process Declared Fault Message for Operation [{0}], SoapServiceBinding [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception [{4}]. Sending Undeclared Fault message to the consumer of this service. Root Exception message: {5}. | Ensure that the Context Mapping and configuration done on SoapServiceBinding [{1}] are correct. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-500120 | The BusinessWorks ProcessService implementation failed to complete the request for the Operation [{0}], SoapServiceBinding [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] and returned exception [{4}]. Sending Undeclared Fault message to the consumer of this service. Root Exception message: {5}. | Ensure that the BW Process construct is correct. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-500130 | Unable to populate SOAP Binding Configuration due to exception [{1}] | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO support. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-500131 | An Error occurred while cleaning up the SOAP Binding Configuration Resources due to exception [{1}] | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO support. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-500140 | An interrupted fault occurred while waiting for the Service Request message to be processed for Operation [{0}], SoapServiceBinding [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception [{4}]. Sending Undeclared Fault message to the consumer of this service. Root Exception message: {5} | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO support. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-500150 | Failed to start SoapServiceBinding [{0}], Application [{1}:{2}] due to exception [{3}] | Ensure that the Transport Configuration done on SoapServiceBinding [{0}] are correct. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-500160 | Failed to stop SoapServiceBinding [{0}], Application [{1}:{2}] due to exception [{3}] | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO support. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-500170 | Error occurred while processing Service Request messages Context information for Operation [{0}], SoapServiceBinding [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception [{4}]. Sending Undeclared Fault message to the consumer of this service. Root Exception message: {5} | Ensure that the Context Mapping and configuration done on SoapServiceBinding [{1}] are correct. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-500190 | Failed to start JMS transport primitive for SoapServiceBinding [{0}], Application [{1}:{2}] due to exception [{3}] | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO support. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-500200 | Failed to stop JMS transport primitive for SoapServiceBinding [{0}], Application [{1}:{2}] due to exception [{3}] | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO support. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-500210 | Failed to Initialize JMS transport primitive for SoapServiceBinding [{0}], Application [{1}:{2}] due to exception [{3}] | Ensure that the transport configuration done on SoapServiceBinding [{0}] are correct. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-500230 | Failed to read incoming JMS raw message due to exception [{0}]; | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO support. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-500240 | Failed to create JMS Reply Handler for SoapServiceBinding [{0}], Application [{1}:{2}] due to exception [{3}] | Ensure that the transport configuration done on SoapServiceBinding [{0}] are correct. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-500250 | Failed to process service request message for SoapServiceBinding [{0}], Application [{1}:{2}] due to exception [{3}] .Root exception message : [{4}] | Ensure that the Service Provider is sending a correct SOAP Envelope. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-500260 | Failed to send Service Reply message for Operation [{0}], SoapServiceeBinding [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception [{4}] | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO support. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-500270 | Failed to acknowledge Service Request message for Operation [{0}], SoapServiceBinding [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception [{4}] | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO support. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-500280 | Failed to authenticate Request message for Operation [{0}], SoapServiceBinding [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception [{4}]. | Check if the identity resource referenced in Http Client resource contains username and password. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-500281 | Failed to authenticate Request message for Operation [{0}], SoapServiceBinding [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}]. Username and Password is not set. | Check if the identity resource referenced in Http Client resource contains username and password. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-500290 | Failed to authenticate Request message for Operation [{0}], SoapServiceBinding [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception [{4}]. | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO support. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-500300 | Malformed SOAP Request message received for Operation [{0}], SoapServiceBinding [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}]. Root Exception message: [{5}] | Check if the SOAP Request Message is well formed. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-550010 | Failed to create SoapReferenceBinding [{0}], Application [{1}:{2}] due to exception [{3}] | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO support. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-550020 | Failed to create SoapReferenceEndpoint [{0}] due to exception [{1}] | Ensure that configurations done on Reference Binding [{0}] are correct. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-550030 | Failed to initialize SoapReferenceBinding [{0}], Application [{1}:{2}] due to exception [{3}] | Ensure that the Binding and Transport configuration on SoapReferenceBinding [{0}] are correct. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-550040 | Failed to add transport dependency for SoapReferenceBinding [{0}], Application [{1}:{2}] | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO support. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-550050 | Failed to destroy SoapReferenceBinding [{0}], Application [{1}:{2}] due to exception [{3}] | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO support. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-550060 | Failed to release transport resources for Operation [{0}], SoapReferenceBinding [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception [{4}] | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO support. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-550070 | Received Declared Fault. Failed to release transport resources for Operation [{0}], SoapReferenceBinding [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception [{4}] | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO support. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-550090 | Unable to receive response from the service provider for Operation [{0}], SoapReferenceBinding [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception [{4}] | This is an internal product error. Contact TIBCO support. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-550100 | Received SOAP Fault from the service provider of the Operation [{0}], SoapReferenceBinding [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}]. SOAP Fault received: [{4}] | This is an internal message sent to the framework for server error. Resolution not required. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-550101 | Received SOAP Fault from the service provider of the Operation [{0}], SoapReferenceBinding [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}]. SOAP Fault received: [{4}] | This is an internal message sent to the framework for client error. Resolution not required. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-550110 | Error occurred while processing the declared fault message from the service provider of the Operation [{0}], SoapReferenceBinding [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception [{4}] | Ensure that the declared fault send back by the Service Provider is valid and well formed SOAP Fault. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-550120 | Error occurred while processing reply message from the service provider of the Operation [{0}], SoapReferenceBinding [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception [{4}] | Ensure that Message Part and Header Configuration done on SoapReferenceBinding [{1}] are correct. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-550121 | SOAPEnvelope must contain a body element which is either first or second child element of the SOAPEnvelope. | Ensure that Service Provider has send a valid SOAP Envelope. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-550130 | Error occurred while processing reply message attachments from the service provider of the Operation [{0}], SoapReferenceBinding [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception [{4}] | Ensure that Context configuration and Mapping for the attachment done on SoapReferenceBinding [{1}] is correct. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-550140 | Failed to Initialize JMS transport primitive for SoapReferenceBinding [{0}], Application [{1}:{2}] due to exception [{3}] | Ensure that the Transport Sender configurations are correct. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-550170 | Failed to send Reference Request message for Operation [{0}], SoapReferenceBinding [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception [{4}] | Ensure that the Message Configuration done on SoapReferenceBinding [{1}] are correct. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-550180 | Failed to process reply message from the service provider of the Operation [{0}], SoapReferenceBinding [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception [{4}] | Ensure that the Message Configuration done on SoapReferenceBinding [{1}] are correct |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-550190 | Failed to update HTTP Transport configurations before sending the Reference Request message for Operation [{0}], SoapReferenceBinding [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception [{4}]. | Ensure that the port number configuration for SoapReferenceBinding [{1}] is valid |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-550210 | Failed to create the HTTP Client required for sending the Reference Request message for Operation [{0}], SoapReferenceBinding [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception [{4}] | Ensure that the Endpoint URL is in correct format. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-550220 | Failed to serialize JMS transport message due to exception [{1}]. | Ensure that the configuration done on Reference Binding are correct. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-550230 | Failed to convert JMS message to string due to exception [{1}]. | Ensure that the configuration done on Reference Binding are correct. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-550240 | Failed to create Endpoint URL for Operation [{0}], SoapReferenceBinding [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception [{4}] | Ensure that the Endpoint URI configuration on SOAPRefernceBinding [{1}] is correct. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-555000 | Unable to receive response from the service provider for Operation [{0}], SoapReferenceBinding [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception [{4}]. Message Received: [{5}] | Ensure that the Service Provider is available. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-555010 | Unable to receive response from the service provider for Operation [{0}], SoapReferenceBinding [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception [{4}]. Message Received: [{5}] | Ensure that HTTP Client configurations are configured as per service provider requirements. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-555020 | Unable to receive response from the service provider for Operation [{0}], SoapReferenceBinding [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception [{4}]. Message Received: [{5}] | Ensure that HTTP Client configurations are configured as per service provider requirements. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-555030 | Unable to send request the service provider for Operation [{0}], SoapReferenceBinding [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception [{4}]. Message Received: [{5}] | Ensure that HTTP Client configurations are configured as per service provider requirements. |
TIBCO-BW-BINDING-SOAP-555040 | Unable to send request the service provider for Operation [{0}], SoapReferenceBinding [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception [{4}]. Message Received: [{5}] | Ensure that the COOKIE format is correct. |
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