Test your Application in the Kubernetes Setup on the Google Cloud Platform
- Google Cloud account with a project and cluster
- Google Cloud SDK
- Kubectl
From a terminal execute the following commands:
gcloud auth login
gcloud config set project <your project name>
gcloud config set container/cluster <your cluster name>
gcloud container clusters get-credentials <your cluster name> --zone <your cluster zone name name>
kubectl get nodes
Tag the application image created in the previous step.
docker tag bwce-http-reqresp-app gcr.io/<your project name>/bwce-http-reqresp-app
Push your application image to Google Container Registry.
gcloud docker push gcr.io/<your project name>/bwce-http-reqresp-app
Confirm that the image is present in the Google Container Registry.
Open the
manifest.yml file and update the application image name. Ensure the image name follows the format
gcr.io/<your gcloud project name>/<image name>
Navigate to the samples directory where the manifest file is present and execute the following command to create the service:
kubectl create -f manifest.yml
To check that application has started successfully, type in below command
After few minutes, the external IP will be available. Check it using the following command:
kubectl get service bwce-http-requestreply-service
Edit the
file, replace the URL with the external IP address, and save the file
Open the
request_news.html file in a web browser
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