Shared Modules
The smallest unit of resources that is named, versioned and packaged as part of an application and can be used by other modules that are part of the same application.
Shared modules export their functionality (processes, shared resources, and schema namespaces) to application modules or to other shared modules. This means that other modules in the system may depend on a shared module for this information.
Shared modules can depend only on other shared modules and cannot depend on application modules.
At a module level, a process can reference another process in a different module.
A process can also reference a WSDL or a schema defined in a different shared module. Schemas that are intended to be exported from a shared module must be contained in the Schemas special folder.
Note: Two modules with the same package names cannot be used in the same application. Package names must remain unique across multiple shared modules and applicaiton modules within an application. If an application contains two packages with the same name, rename one of the packages, or remove a package from the application.
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