You can copy the job data in a clipboard to have a clearer view in other text editors.
In the Debug perspective, go to the
BusinessWorks Jobs tab.
Select an activity of which you want to copy the job data.
The input, output, and fault job data is available in the Job Data tab. The All tab contains data of all prior activities in the alphabetical order of the selected activity in a process.
Select any row in the Job Data view. Right-click and select:
Select All
Selects all job data in the Job Data tab.
Copy Values
Copies only data in the
Value column for the selected row.
For example: If you select a row statuscode 200, then this option copies only 200 to the clipboard.
Copy Variables
Copies data in a tag and value format.
For example: If you select a row statuscode 200, then this option copies <statuscode> 200 </statuscode> to the clipboard.
Note:TIBCO Business Studio™ for BusinessWorks™ displays only a limited amount of user input as a job data tool tip in the job data view of the debugger. If you want to view the complete content of the job data use the Copy Values or Copy Variables option in the debugger view.