Setting Up TIBCO BusinessWorks™ Container Edition Application Monitoring on Docker

The following steps describe how to set up TIBCO BusinessWorks Container Edition application on Docker.


Download the bwce_mon-<version>.zip TIBCO BusinessWorks™ Container Edition monitoring zip file, from


  1. Extract the bwce_mon-<version>.zip file.
  2. Navigate to the bwce_mon directory and build the docker image by running the following command.
    docker build -t bwce/monitoring:latest .
  3. Ensure that MySQL, PostgreSQL or MS SQL Server is running and the user is created with all the privileges. You can use a standalone Docker to run the monitoring application by passing the two environment variables.
    1. You must provide the following two environment variables to start the application monitoring successfully.
    2. To run the monitoring application on Docker container, run the following command.
      For MySQL
      docker run -p 8080:8080 -e PERSISTENCE_TYPE="mysql" -e DB_URL="mysql://<user name:password>@<machine:port/database>" --name <containerName> <monitoringImageName:tag>
      For PostgreSQL
      docker run -p 8080:8080 -e PERSISTENCE_TYPE="postgres" -e DB_URL="postgresql://<user name:password>@<machine:port/database>" --name <containerName> <monitoringImageName:tag>
      For MS SQL Server
      docker run -p 8080:8080 -e PERSISTENCE_TYPE="mssql" -e DB_URL="mssql://<user name:password>@<machine:port/database>" --name <containerName> <monitoringImageName:tag>
      To configure TIBCO BusinessWorks Container Edition Monitoring with Azure Managed MS SQL Server, set the property DB_ENCRYPT to true. By default, this property is set to false.
  4. Run the following command to view the running container.
    docker ps -a
  5. After the monitoring container runs successfully, you can access the monitoring UI by using following URL in the browser:
    Note: The environment variable for application monitoring has been changed to PERSISTENCE_TYPE.

Configuring and running monitoring application with Oracle on Docker

You can use Docker to run monitoring application along with the Oracle database on docker.


  1. Create a folder on the same level as the root directory and name the folder instantclient.
  2. Download Oracle client libraries from .
  3. Add the zip file to instantclient folder. For example,
  4. Open the Dockerfile.
    1. Comment line number 1
    2. Uncomment line number 2, 18, 20-30.
  5. On line 20, change the ENV CLIENT_FILENAME according to the client download in step 2.
  6. On line 27, change the file name according to the client download and for 18.x or 19.x keep the line commented.
  7. Run the following command for docker build.
    docker build -t bwcemonoracle .
  8. Run the following command for docker.
    docker run -p 18080:8080 -e PERSISTENCE_TYPE="oracle" -e DB_URL="oracle://user:pass@machine:1521/orclpdb1" bwcemonoracle
    Note: Use URL encoding for special characters while providing special characters for the database username or password