Using Consul as a Configuration Management Service from TIBCO Business Studio™ for BusinessWorks™
You can use configurations from the configuration management services such as Consul, by defining a token such as #<property name># in the application properties, where <property name> is the name of the configuration parameter.
For example, #EMS_URL#.
Follow these steps to use configurations from Consul:
- In TIBCO Business Studio™ for BusinessWorks™, on the Menu bar select and set the environment variables to CONSUL_SERVER_URL and APP_CONFIG_PROFILE. For more information, see Environment Variables for TIBCO Business Studio™ for BusinessWorks™.
- Select the desired profile as the default profile inside TIBCO Business Studio for BusinessWorks in order to fetch the values from Consul Server.
- In your Consul Service define the keys using the format
For example, tibco.bwce.sample.palette.jms.Consul.application/docker/EMS_URL
Adding the YAML file or Properties file for Configuration Management using Consul
Follow the steps to add properties file or yaml file for configuration management using Consul:
For YAML file:
- By default, the yaml file is stored at <APPLICATION_NAME>/<APP_PROFILE_NAME> on Consul. Set the environment variable CONSUL_SERVER_URL, APP_CONFIG_PROFILE, and CONSUL_FORMAT=YAML. For more information, see Environment Variables for TIBCO Business Studio™ for BusinessWorks™.
- This yaml file can also stored at another key location on Consul by passing an additional environment variable CONSUL_DATA_KEY=<KEY_NAME>, where <KEY_NAME> is the custom location of the yaml file stored on Consul.
- In TIBCO Business Studio for BusinessWorks, configure the property by defining the token as <#KEY_IN_YAML_FILE#>. If a nested key is used, tokenize the key with the entire nested path and separate the key name by "//"
For Properties file:
- By default, the properties file is stored at <APPLICATION_NAME>/<APP_PROFILE_NAME> on Consul. Set the environment variable CONSUL_SERVER_URL, APP_CONFIG_PROFILE, and CONSUL_FORMAT=PROP. For more information, see Environment Variables for TIBCO Business Studio™ for BusinessWorks™.
- This properties file can also stored at another key location on Consul by passing an additional environment variable CONSUL_DATA_KEY=<KEY_NAME>, where <KEY_NAME> is the custom location of the properties file stored on Consul.
- In TIBCO Business Studio for BusinessWorks, configure the property by defining the token as <#KEY_IN_PROP_FILE#>.
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