Using Consul as a Configuration Management Service from TIBCO Business Studio™ for BusinessWorks™

You can use configurations from the configuration management services such as Consul, by defining a token such as #<property name># in the application properties, where <property name> is the name of the configuration parameter.

For example, #EMS_URL#.

Follow these steps to use configurations from Consul:
  1. In TIBCO Business Studio™ for BusinessWorks™, on the Menu bar select Run > Run Configurations > Environment and set the environment variables to CONSUL_SERVER_URL and APP_CONFIG_PROFILE. For more information, see Environment Variables for TIBCO Business Studio™ for BusinessWorks™.

    The X_CONSUL_TOKEN environment variable should be used when authentication is enabled on the Consul server.

  2. Select the desired profile as the default profile inside TIBCO Business Studio for BusinessWorks in order to fetch the values from Consul Server.
  3. In your Consul Service define the keys using the format <BWCE_APP_NAME>/<PROFILE_NAME>/<KEY_NAME>.

    For example, tibco.bwce.sample.palette.jms.Consul.application/docker/EMS_URL

Adding the YAML file or Properties file for Configuration Management using Consul

Follow the steps to add properties file or yaml file for configuration management using Consul:

For YAML file:
  1. By default, the yaml file is stored at <APPLICATION_NAME>/<APP_PROFILE_NAME> on Consul. Set the environment variable CONSUL_SERVER_URL, APP_CONFIG_PROFILE, and CONSUL_FORMAT=YAML. For more information, see Environment Variables for TIBCO Business Studio™ for BusinessWorks™.
  2. This yaml file can also stored at another key location on Consul by passing an additional environment variable CONSUL_DATA_KEY=<KEY_NAME>, where <KEY_NAME> is the custom location of the yaml file stored on Consul.
  3. In TIBCO Business Studio for BusinessWorks, configure the property by defining the token as <#KEY_IN_YAML_FILE#>. If a nested key is used, tokenize the key with the entire nested path and separate the key name by "//"
For Properties file:
  1. By default, the properties file is stored at <APPLICATION_NAME>/<APP_PROFILE_NAME> on Consul. Set the environment variable CONSUL_SERVER_URL, APP_CONFIG_PROFILE, and CONSUL_FORMAT=PROP. For more information, see Environment Variables for TIBCO Business Studio™ for BusinessWorks™.
  2. This properties file can also stored at another key location on Consul by passing an additional environment variable CONSUL_DATA_KEY=<KEY_NAME>, where <KEY_NAME> is the custom location of the properties file stored on Consul.
  3. In TIBCO Business Studio for BusinessWorks, configure the property by defining the token as <#KEY_IN_PROP_FILE#>.