Relationship and Entity User Interfaces

The relationship and entity user interfaces provide detailed information regarding the selected relationship or entity.

The pattern of Identity, Association, and Entity user interfaces are similar, and are divided into two parts:
  • Left Panel

    Lists relationship instances or entity instances of a relationship or an entity. All the operations to a relationship or an entity are performed in the left panel.

  • Right Panel

    List details of an entity instance or a relationship instance. All the operations to a relationship instance or entity instance are performed in the right panel.

Left Panel Overview

Content displayed in the right panel is often changed depending on the operations performed in the left panel. The content in the left panel is relative static, which contains the following generic information:
  • List Header

    The list header is the display name of the selected entity or the anchor participant that is used to represent the selected relationship. See Display Name for more details.

  • Number
    The number next to the list header, in brackets, is the number of anchor participant instances or entity instances.
    Note: When multiple SmartMapper Business UI servers connect to a same database, the number is not updated immediately. It is refreshed every 10 minutes.
  • List Record

    Records listed in the left panel are anchor participant instances or entity instances. One record is one anchor participant instance or entity instance.

    Each record is displayed with two-line context. The first line is values of display fields; the second line is values of key fields. Values are separated by commas. See Display Field for more details.

  • Pagination

    The pagination bar is located at the bottom of the left panel, which displays 8 pages at most.

Take the Map_Acct_Party_Cust identity relationship as an example, which assembles a customer relationship across SAP, OAG, and Siebel systems. As shown, SAP_Customer is the anchor participant used to represent the Map_Acct_Part_Cust identity relationship, which has 4 participant instances. The attribute ID of SAP_Customer is the display field.