Specifying an Exceptions Table

After fetching a table in Subscription Service, you can specify an exceptions table for Subscription Service. If an error occurs when the subscriber endpoint inserts, updates, or deletes data in the destination table, the subscriber endpoint writes the data to the exceptions table to record the error.


  1. In the configuration panel of Subscription Service, click the Subscription Options tab.
  2. Specify a name, such as EXCP_CUSTOMER in the Exceptions Table field. Click Save on the toolbar.
    When you specify an exceptions table, the adapter transforms the table structure into an AE schema. To open the AE schema, click the Class Reference link in the Schema panel in the adapter service Configuration tab.

    For details about the columns in an exceptions table, see Exceptions Table.

  3. Click the Configuration tab of the adapter configuration and keep the Write to Database on Save check box selected. Click Save on the toolbar.
    This setting ensures that such exceptions table is created in the database.