
(Custom with adb.perfMon) Returns the total number of objects processed for all the schemas by each service that is associated with a specified operation. Also, returns the number of success and error objects.

The following table lists the parameter:

Parameter Type Description
Operation string Name of operation. Pick from one of the following form the drop-down list:
  • Fetch
  • Poll
  • Insert
  • Update
  • Delete

The following table lists the returns:

Returns Type Description
Service Name string Name of the service that is associated with the specified operation.
Total integer Total number of objects processed for this schema for Publication Service.

Total number of objects received for this schema for Subscription Service.

Success integer The number of objects that are successfully identified for this schema which will be published or written to a file.
Failure integer The number of objects that are identified for this schema but are not published because the header of the schema failed validation for Publication Service, or is written to a file because the schema is not associated with the subscriber for Subscription Service.