Configuring Satellite FTL Servers

You can designate a cluster of satellite servers to provide services at a geographically remote location.


Task A Configure Primary Servers

  1. If authentication is required, supply credentials that the primary servers can use to authenticate themselves to the satellite servers in the user and password parameters.

    Ensure that this user name is in the authorization group ftl-internal.

Task B Configuring Satellite Servers

  1. Supply the satelliteof parameter. The value is a URL list indicating the locations of the primary servers.
  2. If authentication is required, supply credentials that the satellite servers can use to authenticate themselves to the primary servers in the server.user and server.password parameters.

    Ensure that this user name is in the authorization group ftl-internal.

Task C Configuring Clients

  1. In the realm connect call, programmers supply the locations of the local cluster of FTL servers:
    Supply the locations as a pipe-separated list of URLs as an argument.