Orchestrator Configuration

This table shows the Orchestrator configuration variables and their configuration properties.

Orchestrator Configuration
Configuration Variable Name Configuration Property Value Description
authentication.token.signing.key 1t1s@asy Authentication token signing key
authorization.server.protocol http Authorization server protocol
authorization.server.host localhost Authorization server host
authorization.server.port 9091 Authorization server port
authorized.client.id order-management-client Authorized client ID
authorized.client.secret order-management-secret Authorized client secret
enableAuditTrail false Enable Audit Trail
enableBatchNotification false Enable batching for FTL notifications
enableFTLNotifications false Enable FTL notifications
enableLogNotifications false Enable notification logging
enablePlanFragmentGlobalCache false Enable PlanFragment model caching
enableProductModelGlobalCache false Enable product model caching
enablePurgeCompleteOrder false Enable order purging post order completion
enableStats false Enable order statistics
extResource.aopdProtocol http Automated Order Plan Development server protocol
extResource.aopdHost localhost Automated Order Plan Development server host IP
extResource.aopdPath /v1/generatePlan Automated Order Plan Development server RESTful service EndPoint
extResource.aopdPort 9094 Automated Order Plan Development server port
extResource.pcProtocol http Process-Component server protocol
extResource.pcHost localhost Process-Component server IP
extResource.pcPath /v1/planitem/executionrequest Process-Component server RESTful service EndPoint
extResource.pcPort 9089 Process-Component server port
ftlNotificationTypes N/A Types of FTL notification
logging.config config/logback_orch.xml Logging configuration file path
logNotificationTypes N/A Notification logging types
mapOrderIdWithRef false Enable mapping of order ID to Order Ref
numCachedMachines 100 Number of State-Machines cached
operation.roles.executePlanItemReply ROLE_ADMIN User Role for executePlanItemReply service
operation.roles.getAuditTrail ROLE_ADMIN, ROLE_USER User Role for getAuditTrail service
operation.roles.getOrderDetails ROLE_ADMIN, ROLE_USER User Role for getOrderDetails service
operation.roles.orderExecutionPlan ROLE_ADMIN, ROLE_USER User Role for orderExecutionPlan service
operation.roles.orderWithdraw ROLE_ADMIN User Role for orderWithdraw service
operation.roles.submitOrder ROLE_ADMIN User Role for submitOrder service
pcNotificationPubEndpoint process-component Process component notification publishing end-points
pcNotificationSubEndpoint pc-subscriber FTL Realm Notification Sub endpoint
processComponentMode REST Process component interaction mode
productCacheExpiryPeriod 30 Product model caching expiry time in seconds
realmAppIdentifier default FTL Realm Application identifier
realmAppName fom-orch FTL Realm Application name
realmClientLabel fom-orch FTL Realm Client Label
realmHost localhost FTL Realm Server IP
realmNotificationEndpoint fom-orch FTL Realm Notification endpoint
realmPort 8080 FTL Realm server port
realmPswd guest-pw FTL Realm user password
realmUsr guest FTL Realm user name
recoverFailedOrder false Enable Failed Order Recovery
redisHost localhost Redis server host for storing Order related information
redisHostCatalog localhost Redis server host for storing catalog models
redisHostStat localhost Redis server host for storing order statistics
redisPort 6379 Redis server port for storing order related information
redisPortCatalog 6379 Redis server port for storing catalog models
redisPortStat 6379 Redis server port for storing order statistics
spring.jackson.default-property-inclusion NON_NULL Inclusion of properties during serialization
spring.jackson.serialization.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS false Enable serialization of dates as Timestamps
spring.profiles.active DEV Spring active profile
validateDuplicateOrder false Enable duplicate order validation