Configuring a tenant

In configuration of the tenant, the tenant-specific properties are set.


  • To configure a tenant,
    • From Configurator UI: Log in to the Configurator UI by using the tenant ID and password, and then set the tenant-specific properties.
    • From config XML file: Set the tenant-specific properties in config XML file and then run file.
      Here is an example of a config XML, where you can update the tenant-specific properties.
      <ConfValue description="MergeAffinityItemDescription" name="[Tenant] MergeAffinityItemDescription" propname="" sinceVersion="1.1" visibility="Basic">
      <ConfString default="false" value="[{TENANT:'TIBCO',VALUE='false',TYPE:'ConfBool'}]
      The property name is displayed as tnt##. The tenant information is appended in JSON string as {TENANT:'TIBCO',VALUE='false',TYPE:'ConfBool'}. Here, the default tenant TIBCO is displayed. In place of this, the tenant that you have added is displayed when you append a tenant.