Withdraw Order

This operation withdraws all the submitted orders that are in execution state and do not withdraw orders that have been completed. As an input, this operation accepts the OrderID or OrderRef to withdraw an order and returns the message when sending the order for withdrawal in the Orchestrator component. After receiving an order removal notification from Orchestrator, it removes the requested order from the Order Management system component.

  1. You cannot withdraw an order when it is in the COMPLETE state.
  2. You can submit an order with the same OrderRef that is already withdrawn.
Withdraw Order Request attributes
Element Name Element Type


ExternalBusinessTransactionID String Transaction ID sent by client.
orderID String

(Mandatory, Choice)

The ID of the order generated by Order Management Server. This must be an exact match.
orderRef String


The client order reference ID. This must be an exact match.
Withdraw Order Response attributes
Element Name Element Type Description
orderID String

(Mandatory, Choice)

The ID of the order generated by Order Management Server. This must be an exact match.
orderRef String

(Mandatory, Choice)

The client order reference ID. This must be an exact match.
message String Interactive message sent to client confirming request processing.